module web.AbstractService
class AbstractService(parent)
module web.TimeRangeMenuOptions
module web.SwitchCompanyMenu
class SwitchCompanyMenu()
module web.AbstractAction
class AbstractAction(parent)
- parent (
or null) – Binds the current instance to the given Widget
instance. When that widget is destroyed by calling destroy(), the
current instance will be destroyed too. Can be null.method on_attach_callback()
Called each time the action is attached into the DOM.
method on_detach_callback()
Called each time the action is detached from the DOM.
method willRestore() → Deferred|undefined
Called by the action manager when action is restored (typically, when the user clicks on the action in the breadcrumb)
or undefinedmethod canBeRemoved() → Deferred
In some situations, we need confirmation from the controller that the current state can be destroyed without prejudice to the user. For example, if the user has edited a form, maybe we should ask him if we can discard all his changes when we switch to another action. In that case, the action manager will call this method. If the returned deferred is succesfully resolved, then we can destroy the current action, otherwise, we need to stop.
method getContext()
This function is called when the current context (~state) of the action should be known. For instance, if the action is a view controller, this may be useful to reinstantiate the view in the same state.
method giveFocus()
Gives the focus to the action
method renderButtons($node)
Renders the buttons to append, in most cases, to the control panel (in the bottom left corner). When the action is rendered in a dialog, those buttons might be moved to the dialog’s footer.
- $node (
)module web.SystrayMenu
class SystrayMenu(parent)
- parent
The SystrayMenu is the class that manage the list of icons in the top right of the menu bar.
class SystrayMenu(parent)
- parent
The SystrayMenu is the class that manage the list of icons in the top right of the menu bar.
module web.dom
function append([$target, ][content, ]options)
Appends content in a jQuery object and optionnally triggers an event
$target (jQuery
) – the node where content will be appended
content (htmlString
or Element
or Array
or jQuery
) – DOM element,
array of elements, HTML string or jQuery object to append to $target
options (AppendOptions
class AppendOptions()
attribute in_DOM Boolean
true if $target is in the DOM
attribute callbacks Array
- array of objects describing the
- callbacks to perform (see _notify for a complete description)
function autoresize($textarea, options)
Autoresize a $textarea node, by recomputing its height when necessary
options (AutoresizeOptions
class AutoresizeOptions()
attribute min_height number
by default, 50.
attribute parent Widget
- if set, autoresize will listen to some
- extra events to decide when to resize itself. This is useful for widgets that are not in the dom when the autoresize is declared.
function cssFind($from, selector) → jQuery
jQuery find function behavior is:
$('A').find('A B') <=> $('A A B')
The searches behavior to find options’ DOM needs to be:
$('A').find('A B') <=> $('A B')
This is what this function does.
$from (jQuery
) – the jQuery element(s) from which to search
selector (string
) – the CSS selector to match
function detach([to_detach, ]options) → jQuery
Detaches widgets from the DOM and performs their on_detach_callback()
to_detach (Array
) – array of {widget: w, callback_args: args} such
that w.$el will be detached and w.on_detach_callback(args) will be
options (DetachOptions
class DetachOptions()
attribute $to_detach jQuery
- if given, detached instead of
- widgets’ $el
function getSelectionRange(node) → Object
Returns the selection range of an input or textarea
- node (
) – DOM item input or textearaObject
function getPosition(e) → Object
Returns the distance between a DOM element and the top-left corner of the window
- e (
) – DOM element (input or texteara)Object
function prepend([$target, ][content, ]options)
Prepends content in a jQuery object and optionnally triggers an event
$target (jQuery
) – the node where content will be prepended
content (htmlString
or Element
or Array
or jQuery
) – DOM element,
array of elements, HTML string or jQuery object to prepend to $target
options (PrependOptions
class PrependOptions()
attribute in_DOM Boolean
true if $target is in the DOM
attribute callbacks Array
- array of objects describing the
- callbacks to perform (see _notify for a complete description)
function renderButton(options) → jQuery
Renders a button with standard odoo template. This does not use any xml template to avoid forcing the frontend part to lazy load a xml file for each widget which might want to create a simple button.
- options (
class RenderButtonOptions()
attribute attrs Object
Attributes to put on the button element
attribute attrs.type string
attribute attrs.class string
- Note: automatically completed with “btn btn-X”
- (@see options.size for the value of X)
attribute size string
@see options.attrs.class
attribute icon string
- The specific fa icon class (for example “fa-home”) or an URL for
- an image to use as icon.
attribute text string
the button’s text
function renderCheckbox([options]) → jQuery
Renders a checkbox with standard odoo/BS template. This does not use any xml template to avoid forcing the frontend part to lazy load a xml file for each widget which might want to create a simple checkbox.
- options (
class RenderCheckboxOptions()
attribute prop Object
Allows to set the input properties (disabled and checked states).
attribute text string
- The checkbox’s associated text. If none is given then a simple
- checkbox is rendered.
function setSelectionRange(node, range)
Sets the selection range of a given input or textarea
node (Object
) – DOM element (input or textarea)
range (SetSelectionRangeRange
class SetSelectionRangeRange()
attribute start integer
attribute end integer
function initAutoMoreMenu($el[, options])
Creates an automatic ‘more’ dropdown-menu for a set of navbar items.
$el (jQuery
options (InitAutoMoreMenuOptions
class InitAutoMoreMenuOptions()
attribute unfoldable string
attribute maxWidth function
attribute sizeClass string
function destroyAutoMoreMenu($el)
Cleans what has been done by initAutoMoreMenu
- $el (
)function _notify([content, ]callbacks)
Private function to notify that something has been attached in the DOM
content (htmlString
or Element
or Array
or jQuery
) – the content that
has been attached in the DOM
module web.viewUtils
namespace utils
FIXME: move this module to its own file in master
function getGroupValue(group, groupByField) → string | integer | false
Returns the value of a group dataPoint, i.e. the value of the groupBy field for the records in that group.
group (Object
) – dataPoint of type list, corresponding to a group
groupByField (string
) – the name of the groupBy field
or integer
or falsefunction isQuickCreateEnabled(list) → Boolean
States whether or not the quick create feature is available for the given datapoint, depending on its groupBy field.
- list (
) – dataPoint of type listBoolean
namespace utils
FIXME: move this module to its own file in master
function getGroupValue(group, groupByField) → string | integer | false
Returns the value of a group dataPoint, i.e. the value of the groupBy field for the records in that group.
group (Object
) – dataPoint of type list, corresponding to a group
groupByField (string
) – the name of the groupBy field
or integer
or falsefunction isQuickCreateEnabled(list) → Boolean
States whether or not the quick create feature is available for the given datapoint, depending on its groupBy field.
- list (
) – dataPoint of type listBoolean
module web_editor.rte.summernote_custom_colors
unknown ArrayExpression
module web.ListRenderer
class ListRenderer(parent, state, params)
params (ListRendererParams
method giveFocus()
Order to focus to be given to the content of the current view
method canBeSaved([recordID]) → string[]
If the given recordID is the list main one (or that no recordID is given), then the whole view can be saved if one of the two following conditions is true: - There is no line in edition (all lines are saved so they are all valid) - The line in edition can be saved
- recordID (
>method confirmChange(state, id)
We need to override the confirmChange method from BasicRenderer to reevaluate the row decorations. Since they depends on the current value of the row, they might have changed between each edit.
method confirmUpdate(state, id, fields, ev) → Deferred<AbstractField[]>
This is a specialized version of confirmChange, meant to be called when the change may have affected more than one line (so, for example, an onchange which add/remove a few lines in a x2many. This does not occur in a normal list view)
The update is more difficult when other rows could have been changed. We need to potentially remove some lines, add some other lines, update some other lines and maybe reorder a few of them. This problem would neatly be solved by using a virtual dom, but we do not have this luxury yet. So, in the meantime, what we do is basically remove every current row except the ‘main’ one (the row which caused the update), then rerender every new row and add them before/after the main one.
state (Object
id (string
fields (Array
ev (OdooEvent
method editRecord(recordID)
Edit a given record in the list
- recordID (
)method getEditableRecordID() → string|null
Returns the recordID associated to the line which is currently in edition or null if there is no line in edition.
or nullmethod removeLine(state, recordID)
Removes the line associated to the given recordID (the index of the row is found thanks to the old state), then updates the state.
state (Object
recordID (string
method setRowMode(recordID, mode) → Deferred
Updates the already rendered row associated to the given recordID so that it fits the given mode.
recordID (string
mode (string
method unselectRow() → Deferred
This method is called whenever we click/move outside of a row that was in edit mode. This is the moment we save all accumulated changes on that row, if needed (@see BasicController.saveRecord).
Note that we have to disable the focusable elements (inputs, …) to prevent subsequent editions. These edits would be lost, because the list view only saves records when unselecting a row.
class ListRendererParams()
attribute addCreateLine boolean
attribute addTrashIcon boolean
module web.BrowserDetection
class BrowserDetection()
module web_editor.base
namespace cacheCssSelectors
Retrieves all the CSS rules which match the given parser (Regex).
attribute fontIcons Array
List of font icons to load by editor. The icons are displayed in the media editor and identified like font and image (can be colored, spinned, resized with fa classes). To add font, push a new object {base, parser}
- base: class who appear on all fonts
- parser: regular expression used to select all font in css stylesheets
namespace computeFonts
Searches the fonts described by the @see fontIcons variable.
function ready() → Deferred
If a widget needs to be instantiated on page loading, it needs to wait for appropriate resources to be loaded. This function returns a Deferred which is resolved when the dom is ready, the session is bound (translations loaded) and the XML is loaded. This should however not be necessary anymore as widgets should not be parentless and should then be instantiated (directly or not) by the page main component (webclient, website root, editor bar, …). The DOM will be ready then, the main component is in charge of waiting for the session and the XML can be lazy loaded thanks to the @see Widget.xmlDependencies key.
module web.PivotView
class PivotView(viewInfo, params)
params (Object
module web.PieChart
class PieChart(parent, record, node)
method willStart()
Instantiates the pie chart view and starts the graph controller.
method on_attach_callback()
Call on_attach_callback
for each subview
module web.widget_registry
object instance of Registry
module web.WebClient
class (parent)
- parent
function getScrollPosition() → Object
Returns the left and top scroll positions of the main scrolling area (i.e. the action manager in desktop).
module web_editor.rte.summernote
class SummernoteManager(parent)
module web.mixins
mixin ParentedMixin
Mixin to structure objects’ life-cycles folowing a parent-children relationship. Each object can a have a parent and multiple children. When an object is destroyed, all its children are destroyed too releasing any resource they could have reserved before.
function setParent(parent)
Set the parent of the current object. When calling this method, the parent will also be informed and will return the current object when its getChildren() method is called. If the current object did already have a parent, it is unregistered before, which means the previous parent will not return the current object anymore when its getChildren() method is called.
- parent
function getParent()
Return the current parent of the object (or null).
function getChildren()
Return a list of the children of the current object.
function isDestroyed()
Returns true if destroy() was called on the current object.
function alive(promise[, reject]) → $.Deferred
Utility method to only execute asynchronous actions if the current object has not been destroyed.
promise (jQuery.Deferred
) – The promise representing the asynchronous
reject=false (bool
) – If true, the returned promise will be
rejected with no arguments if the current
object is destroyed. If false, the
returned promise will never be resolved
or rejected.
function destroy()
Inform the object it should destroy itself, releasing any resource it could have reserved.
function findAncestor(predicate)
Find the closest ancestor matching predicate
- predicate
mixin EventDispatcherMixin
Mixin containing an event system. Events are also registered by specifying the target object (the object which will receive the event when it is raised). Both the event-emitting object and the target object store or reference to each other. This is used to correctly remove all reference to the event handler when any of the object is destroyed (when the destroy() method from ParentedMixin is called). Removing those references is necessary to avoid memory leak and phantom events (events which are raised and sent to a previously destroyed object).
mixin EventDispatcherMixin
Mixin containing an event system. Events are also registered by specifying the target object (the object which will receive the event when it is raised). Both the event-emitting object and the target object store or reference to each other. This is used to correctly remove all reference to the event handler when any of the object is destroyed (when the destroy() method from ParentedMixin is called). Removing those references is necessary to avoid memory leak and phantom events (events which are raised and sent to a previously destroyed object).
mixin ParentedMixin
Mixin to structure objects’ life-cycles folowing a parent-children relationship. Each object can a have a parent and multiple children. When an object is destroyed, all its children are destroyed too releasing any resource they could have reserved before.
function setParent(parent)
Set the parent of the current object. When calling this method, the parent will also be informed and will return the current object when its getChildren() method is called. If the current object did already have a parent, it is unregistered before, which means the previous parent will not return the current object anymore when its getChildren() method is called.
- parent
function getParent()
Return the current parent of the object (or null).
function getChildren()
Return a list of the children of the current object.
function isDestroyed()
Returns true if destroy() was called on the current object.
function alive(promise[, reject]) → $.Deferred
Utility method to only execute asynchronous actions if the current object has not been destroyed.
promise (jQuery.Deferred
) – The promise representing the asynchronous
reject=false (bool
) – If true, the returned promise will be
rejected with no arguments if the current
object is destroyed. If false, the
returned promise will never be resolved
or rejected.
function destroy()
Inform the object it should destroy itself, releasing any resource it could have reserved.
function findAncestor(predicate)
Find the closest ancestor matching predicate
- predicate
class Events()
Backbone’s events. Do not ever use it directly, use EventDispatcherMixin instead.
This class just handle the dispatching of events, it is not meant to be extended, nor used directly. All integration with parenting and automatic unregistration of events is done in EventDispatcherMixin.
Copyright notice for the following Class:
(c) 2010-2012 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc. Backbone may be freely distributed under the MIT license. For all details and documentation:
module web.AbstractController
class AbstractController(parent, model, renderer, params)
parent (Widget
model (AbstractModel
renderer (AbstractRenderer
params (AbstractControllerParams
method start() → Deferred
Simply renders and updates the url.
method on_attach_callback()
Called each time the controller is attached into the DOM.
method on_detach_callback()
Called each time the controller is detached from the DOM.
method giveFocus()
Gives the focus to the renderer
method discardChanges([recordID]) → Deferred
Discards the changes made on the record associated to the given ID, or all changes made by the current controller if no recordID is given. For example, when the user opens the ‘home’ screen, the action manager calls this method on the active view to make sure it is ok to open the home screen (and lose all current state).
Note that it returns a deferred, because the view could choose to ask the user if he agrees to discard.
- recordID (
) – if not given, we consider all the changes made by the controllermethod getContext() → Object
Returns any special keys that may be useful when reloading the view to get the same effect. This is necessary for saving the current view in the favorites. For example, a graph view might want to add a key to save the current graph type.
method getTitle() → string
Returns a title that may be displayed in the breadcrumb area. For example, the name of the record.
note: this will be moved to AbstractAction
method is_action_enabled(action) → boolean
The use of this method is discouraged. It is still snakecased, because it currently is used in many templates, but we will move to a simpler mechanism as soon as we can.
- action (
) – type of action, such as ‘create’, ‘read’, …boolean
method reload([params]) → Deferred
Short helper method to reload the view
- params (
) – This object will simply be given to the updatemethod renderPager($node)
For views that require a pager, this method will be called to allow the controller to instantiate and render a pager. Note that in theory, the controller can actually render whatever he wants in the pager zone. If your view does not want a pager, just let this method empty.
- $node (
)method renderSidebar($node)
Same as renderPager, but for the ‘sidebar’ zone (the zone with the menu dropdown in the control panel next to the buttons)
- $node (
)method update(params[, options]) → Deferred
This is the main entry point for the controller. Changes from the search view arrive in this method, and internal changes can sometimes also call this method. It is basically the way everything notifies the controller that something has changed.
The update method is responsible for fetching necessary data, then updating the renderer and wait for the rendering to complete.
params (Object
) – will be given to the model and to the renderer
options (UpdateOptions
class UpdateOptions()
attribute reload boolean
if true, the model will reload data
class AbstractControllerParams()
attribute modelName string
attribute controllerID string
- an id to ease the communication
- with upstream components
attribute handle any
a handle that will be given to the model (some id)
attribute initialState any
the initialState
attribute isMultiRecord boolean
attribute actionViews Object[]
attribute viewType string
attribute withControlPanel boolean
- set to false to hide the
- ControlPanel
module web.GraphController
class GraphController(parent, model, renderer, params)
parent (Widget
model (GraphModel
renderer (GraphRenderer
params (GraphControllerParams
method getContext() → Object
Returns the current mode, measure and groupbys, so we can restore the view when we save the current state in the search view, or when we add it to the dashboard.
method renderButtons([$node])
Render the buttons according to the GraphView.buttons and add listeners on it. Set this.$buttons with the produced jQuery element
- $node (
) – a jQuery node where the rendered buttons should
be inserted $node may be undefined, in which case the GraphView does
nothingclass GraphControllerParams()
attribute measures string[]
attribute isEmbedded boolean
attribute groupableFields, string[]
module web_editor.snippets.options
class SnippetOption(parent, $target, $overlay, data)
Handles a set of options for one snippet. The registry returned by this module contains the names of the specialized SnippetOption which can be referenced thanks to the data-js key in the web_editor options template.
attribute preventChildPropagation Boolean
When editing a snippet, its options are shown alongside the ones of its parent snippets. The parent options are only shown if the following flag is set to false (default).
method start()
Called when the option is initialized (i.e. the parent edition overlay is shown for the first time).
method onFocus()
Called when the parent edition overlay is covering the associated snippet (the first time, this follows the call to the @see start method).
method onBuilt()
Called when the parent edition overlay is covering the associated snippet for the first time, when it is a new snippet dropped from the d&d snippet menu. Note: this is called after the start and onFocus methods.
method onBlur()
Called when the parent edition overlay is removed from the associated snippet (another snippet enters edition for example).
method onClone(options)
Called when the associated snippet is the result of the cloning of
another snippet (so this.$target
is a cloned element).
- options (
)class OnCloneOptions()
attribute isCurrent boolean
- true if the associated snippet is a clone of the main element that
- was cloned (so not a clone of a child of this main element that was cloned)
function onMove()
Called when the associated snippet is moved to another DOM location.
function onRemove()
Called when the associated snippet is about to be removed from the DOM.
function cleanForSave()
Called when the template which contains the associated snippet is about to be saved.
function selectClass(previewMode, value, $opt)
Default option method which allows to select one and only one class in
the option classes set and set it on the associated snippet. The common
case is having a subdropdown with each item having a data-select-class
value allowing to choose the associated class.
previewMode (boolean
or string
) – truthy if the option is enabled for preview or if leaving it (in
that second case, the value is ‘reset’)
- false if the option should be activated for good
value (any
) – the class to activate ($‘selectClass’))
$opt (jQuery
) – the related DOMElement option
function toggleClass(previewMode, value, $opt)
Default option method which allows to select one or multiple classes in
the option classes set and set it on the associated snippet. The common
case is having a subdropdown with each item having a data-toggle-class
value allowing to toggle the associated class.
function $()
Override the helper method to search inside the $target element instead of the dropdown item element.
function notify(name, data)
Sometimes, options may need to notify other options, even in parent editors. This can be done thanks to the ‘option_update’ event, which will then be handled by this function.
name (string
) – an identifier for a type of update
data (any
function setTarget($target)
Sometimes, an option is binded on an element but should in fact apply on another one. For example, elements which contain slides: we want all the per-slide options to be in the main menu of the whole snippet. This function allows to set the option’s target.
- $target (
) – the new target elementnamespace registry
The registry object contains the list of available options.
class sizing_y(parent, $target, $overlay, data)
Handles the edition of padding-top and padding-bottom.
class colorpicker(parent, $target, $overlay, data)
Handles the edition of snippet’s background color classes.
class background(parent, $target, $overlay, data)
Handles the edition of snippet’s background image.
method background(previewMode, value, $opt)
Handles a background change.
method chooseImage(previewMode, value, $opt)
Opens a media dialog to add a custom background image.
method bindBackgroundEvents()
Attaches events so that when a background-color is set, the background image is removed.
class background_position(parent, $target, $overlay, data)
Handles the edition of snippet’s background image position.
method backgroundPosition(previewMode, value, $opt)
Opens a Dialog to edit the snippet’s backgroung image position.
class many2one(parent, $target, $overlay, data)
Allows to replace a text value with the name of a database record.
class SnippetOption(parent, $target, $overlay, data)
Handles a set of options for one snippet. The registry returned by this module contains the names of the specialized SnippetOption which can be referenced thanks to the data-js key in the web_editor options template.
attribute preventChildPropagation Boolean
When editing a snippet, its options are shown alongside the ones of its parent snippets. The parent options are only shown if the following flag is set to false (default).
method start()
Called when the option is initialized (i.e. the parent edition overlay is shown for the first time).
method onFocus()
Called when the parent edition overlay is covering the associated snippet (the first time, this follows the call to the @see start method).
method onBuilt()
Called when the parent edition overlay is covering the associated snippet for the first time, when it is a new snippet dropped from the d&d snippet menu. Note: this is called after the start and onFocus methods.
method onBlur()
Called when the parent edition overlay is removed from the associated snippet (another snippet enters edition for example).
method onClone(options)
Called when the associated snippet is the result of the cloning of
another snippet (so this.$target
is a cloned element).
- options (
)class OnCloneOptions()
attribute isCurrent boolean
- true if the associated snippet is a clone of the main element that
- was cloned (so not a clone of a child of this main element that was cloned)
function onMove()
Called when the associated snippet is moved to another DOM location.
function onRemove()
Called when the associated snippet is about to be removed from the DOM.
function cleanForSave()
Called when the template which contains the associated snippet is about to be saved.
function selectClass(previewMode, value, $opt)
Default option method which allows to select one and only one class in
the option classes set and set it on the associated snippet. The common
case is having a subdropdown with each item having a data-select-class
value allowing to choose the associated class.
previewMode (boolean
or string
) – truthy if the option is enabled for preview or if leaving it (in
that second case, the value is ‘reset’)
- false if the option should be activated for good
value (any
) – the class to activate ($‘selectClass’))
$opt (jQuery
) – the related DOMElement option
function toggleClass(previewMode, value, $opt)
Default option method which allows to select one or multiple classes in
the option classes set and set it on the associated snippet. The common
case is having a subdropdown with each item having a data-toggle-class
value allowing to toggle the associated class.
function $()
Override the helper method to search inside the $target element instead of the dropdown item element.
function notify(name, data)
Sometimes, options may need to notify other options, even in parent editors. This can be done thanks to the ‘option_update’ event, which will then be handled by this function.
name (string
) – an identifier for a type of update
data (any
function setTarget($target)
Sometimes, an option is binded on an element but should in fact apply on another one. For example, elements which contain slides: we want all the per-slide options to be in the main menu of the whole snippet. This function allows to set the option’s target.
- $target (
) – the new target elementnamespace registry
The registry object contains the list of available options.
class sizing_y(parent, $target, $overlay, data)
Handles the edition of padding-top and padding-bottom.
class colorpicker(parent, $target, $overlay, data)
Handles the edition of snippet’s background color classes.
class background(parent, $target, $overlay, data)
Handles the edition of snippet’s background image.
method background(previewMode, value, $opt)
Handles a background change.
method chooseImage(previewMode, value, $opt)
Opens a media dialog to add a custom background image.
method bindBackgroundEvents()
Attaches events so that when a background-color is set, the background image is removed.
class background_position(parent, $target, $overlay, data)
Handles the edition of snippet’s background image position.
method backgroundPosition(previewMode, value, $opt)
Opens a Dialog to edit the snippet’s backgroung image position.
class many2one(parent, $target, $overlay, data)
Allows to replace a text value with the name of a database record.
module web.Registry
class Registry([mapping])
- mapping (
) – the initial data in the registryThe registry is really pretty much only a mapping from some keys to some values. The Registry class only add a few simple methods around that to make it nicer and slightly safer.
Note that registries have a fundamental problem: the value that you try to get in a registry might not have been added yet, so of course, you need to make sure that your dependencies are solid. For this reason, it is a good practice to avoid using the registry if you can simply import what you need with the ‘require’ statement.
However, on the flip side, sometimes you cannot just simply import something because we would have a dependency cycle. In that case, registries might help.
method add(key, value) → Registry
Add a key (and a value) to the registry.
Notify the listeners on newly added item in the registry.
method contains(key) → boolean
Check if the registry contains the value
- key (
method extend([mapping])
Creates and returns a copy of the current mapping, with the provided mapping argument added in (replacing existing keys if needed)
Parent and child remain linked, a new key in the parent (which is not overwritten by the child) will appear in the child.
- mapping={} (
) – a mapping of keys to object-pathsmethod get(key) → any
Returns the value associated to the given key.
- key (
method getAny(keys) → any
Tries a number of keys, and returns the first object matching one of the keys.
- keys (
>) – a sequence of keys to fetch the object forany
method onAdd(callback)
Register a callback to execute when items are added to the registry.
- callback (
) – function with parameters (key, value).class Registry([mapping])
- mapping (
) – the initial data in the registryThe registry is really pretty much only a mapping from some keys to some values. The Registry class only add a few simple methods around that to make it nicer and slightly safer.
Note that registries have a fundamental problem: the value that you try to get in a registry might not have been added yet, so of course, you need to make sure that your dependencies are solid. For this reason, it is a good practice to avoid using the registry if you can simply import what you need with the ‘require’ statement.
However, on the flip side, sometimes you cannot just simply import something because we would have a dependency cycle. In that case, registries might help.
method add(key, value) → Registry
Add a key (and a value) to the registry.
Notify the listeners on newly added item in the registry.
method contains(key) → boolean
Check if the registry contains the value
- key (
method extend([mapping])
Creates and returns a copy of the current mapping, with the provided mapping argument added in (replacing existing keys if needed)
Parent and child remain linked, a new key in the parent (which is not overwritten by the child) will appear in the child.
- mapping={} (
) – a mapping of keys to object-pathsmethod get(key) → any
Returns the value associated to the given key.
- key (
method getAny(keys) → any
Tries a number of keys, and returns the first object matching one of the keys.
- keys (
>) – a sequence of keys to fetch the object forany
method onAdd(callback)
Register a callback to execute when items are added to the registry.
- callback (
) – function with parameters (key, value).module web.Dialog
class Dialog(parent[, options])
parent (Widget
options (DialogOptions
A useful class to handle dialogs. Attributes:
- A jQuery element targeting a dom part where buttons can be added. It always exists during the lifecycle of the dialog.
method willStart()
Wait for XML dependencies and instantiate the modal structure (except modal-body).
method destroy([options])
Close and destroy the dialog.
- options (
)class DestroyOptions()
attribute infos Object
- if provided and
is unset, the on_close
handler will pass this information related to closing this information.
attribute silent boolean
- if set, do not call the
function rebindButtonBehavior()
adds the keydown behavior to the dialogs after external files modifies its DOM.
function safeConfirm(owner, message[, options]) → Dialog
Static method to open double confirmation dialog.
owner (Widget
message (string
options (SafeConfirmOptions
) – @see Dialog.init @see Dialog.confirm
class SafeConfirmOptions()
@see Dialog.init @see Dialog.confirm
attribute securityLevel string
bootstrap color
attribute securityMessage string
am sure about this”]
class DialogOptions()
attribute title string
attribute subtitle string
attribute size string
‘large’, ‘medium’ or ‘small’
attribute fullscreen boolean
- whether or not the dialog
- should be open in fullscreen mode (the main usecase is mobile)
attribute dialogClass string
class to add to the modal-body
attribute $content jQuery
- Element which will be the $el, replace the .modal-body and get the
- modal-body class
attribute buttons Object[]
- List of button descriptions. Note: if no buttons, a “ok” primary
- button is added to allow closing the dialog
attribute buttons[].text string
attribute buttons[].classes string
- Default to ‘btn-primary’ if only one button, ‘btn-secondary’
- otherwise
attribute buttons[].close boolean
attribute buttons[].click function
attribute buttons[].disabled boolean
attribute technical boolean
- If set to false, the modal will have the standard frontend style
- (use this for non-editor frontend features)
class Dialog(parent[, options])
parent (Widget
options (DialogOptions
A useful class to handle dialogs. Attributes:
- A jQuery element targeting a dom part where buttons can be added. It always exists during the lifecycle of the dialog.
method willStart()
Wait for XML dependencies and instantiate the modal structure (except modal-body).
method destroy([options])
Close and destroy the dialog.
- options (
)class DestroyOptions()
attribute infos Object
- if provided and
is unset, the on_close
handler will pass this information related to closing this information.
attribute silent boolean
- if set, do not call the
function rebindButtonBehavior()
adds the keydown behavior to the dialogs after external files modifies its DOM.
function safeConfirm(owner, message[, options]) → Dialog
Static method to open double confirmation dialog.
owner (Widget
message (string
options (SafeConfirmOptions
) – @see Dialog.init @see Dialog.confirm
class SafeConfirmOptions()
@see Dialog.init @see Dialog.confirm
attribute securityLevel string
bootstrap color
attribute securityMessage string
am sure about this”]
class DialogOptions()
attribute title string
attribute subtitle string
attribute size string
‘large’, ‘medium’ or ‘small’
attribute fullscreen boolean
- whether or not the dialog
- should be open in fullscreen mode (the main usecase is mobile)
attribute dialogClass string
class to add to the modal-body
attribute $content jQuery
- Element which will be the $el, replace the .modal-body and get the
- modal-body class
attribute buttons Object[]
- List of button descriptions. Note: if no buttons, a “ok” primary
- button is added to allow closing the dialog
attribute buttons[].text string
attribute buttons[].classes string
- Default to ‘btn-primary’ if only one button, ‘btn-secondary’
- otherwise
attribute buttons[].close boolean
attribute buttons[].click function
attribute buttons[].disabled boolean
attribute technical boolean
- If set to false, the modal will have the standard frontend style
- (use this for non-editor frontend features)
module web.utils
namespace utils
function assert(bool)
Throws an error if the given condition is not true
- bool (
)function binaryToBinsize(value) → string
Check if the value is a bin_size or not. If not, compute an approximate size out of the base64 encoded string.
- value (
) – original formatstring
function confine([val][, min][, max]) → number
Confines a value inside an interval
val (number
) – the value to confine
min (number
) – the minimum of the interval
max (number
) – the maximum of the interval
function generateID() → integer
Generate a unique numerical ID
function get_cookie(c_name) → string
Read the cookie described by c_name
- c_name (
function human_number(number[, decimals][, minDigits][, formatterCallback]) → string
Returns a human readable number (e.g. 34000 -> 34k).
number (number
decimals=0 (integer
) – maximum number of decimals to use in human readable representation
minDigits=1 (integer
) – the minimum number of digits to preserve when switching to another
level of thousands (e.g. with a value of ‘2’, 4321 will still be
represented as 4321 otherwise it will be down to one digit (4k))
formatterCallback (function
) – a callback to transform the final number before adding the
thousands symbol (default to adding thousands separators (useful
if minDigits > 1))
function human_size(size)
Returns a human readable size
- size (
) – number of bytesfunction insert_thousand_seps(num) → String
Insert “thousands” separators in the provided number (which is actually a string)
- num (
function intersperse(str, indices, separator) → String
Intersperses separator
in str
at the positions indicated by
is an array of relative offsets (from the previous insertion
position, starting from the end of the string) at which to insert
There are two special values:
- indicates the insertion should end now
- indicates that the previous section pattern should be repeated (until all
is consumed)
str (String
indices (Array
separator (String
function lpad(str, size) → string
Left-pad provided arg 1 with zeroes until reaching size provided by second argument.
str (number
or string
) – value to pad
size (number
) – size to reach on the final padded value
function round_decimals(value, decimals)
performs a half up rounding with a fixed amount of decimals, correcting for float loss of precision See the corresponding float_round() in server/tools/ for more info
value (Number
) – the value to be rounded
decimals (Number
) – the number of decimals. eg: round_decimals(3.141592,2) -> 3.14
function round_precision(value, precision)
performs a half up rounding with arbitrary precision, correcting for float loss of precision See the corresponding float_round() in server/tools/ for more info
value (number
) – the value to be rounded
precision (number
) – a precision parameter. eg: 0.01 rounds to two digits.
function set_cookie(name, value, ttl)
Create a cookie
name (String
) – the name of the cookie
value (String
) – the value stored in the cookie
ttl (Integer
) – time to live of the cookie in millis. -1 to erase the cookie.
function stableSort(array, iteratee)
Sort an array in place, keeping the initial order for identical values.
array (Array
iteratee (function
function traverse(tree, f)
Visit a tree of objects, where each children are in an attribute ‘children’. For each children, we call the callback function given in arguments.
tree (Object
) – an object describing a tree structure
f (function
) – a callback
function traversePath(tree, f, path)
Enhanced traverse function with ‘path’ building on traverse.
tree (Object
) – an object describing a tree structure
f (function
) – a callback
path (Object
) – the path to the current ‘tree’ object
function deepFreeze(obj)
Visit a tree of objects and freeze all
- obj (
)function closestNumber(num, arr) → Number|undefined
Find the closest value of the given one in the provided array
num (Number
arr (Array
or undefinedmodule web.PivotController
class PivotController(parent, model, renderer, params)
params (PivotControllerParams
method getContext() → Object
Returns the current measures and groupbys, so we can restore the view when we save the current state in the search view, or when we add it to the dashboard.
method renderButtons([$node])
Render the buttons according to the PivotView.buttons template and add listeners on it. Set this.$buttons with the produced jQuery element
- $node (
) – a jQuery node where the rendered buttons should
be inserted. $node may be undefined, in which case the PivotView
does nothingclass PivotControllerParams()
attribute groupableFields Object
- a map from field name to field
- props
attribute enableLinking boolean
- configure the pivot view to allow
- opening a list view by clicking on a cell with some data.
module web.view_registry
object instance of Registry
module web.Apps
class Apps(parent, action)
module web_tour.tour
module web.ajax
function loadLibs(libs) → Deferred
Loads the given js and css libraries. Note that the ajax loadJS and loadCSS methods don’t do anything if the given file is already loaded.
- libs (
)class LoadLibsLibs()
attribute cssLibs Array<string>
- A list of css files, to be loaded in
- parallel
namespace loadCSS
Load css asynchronously: fetch it from the url parameter and add a link tag to <head>. If the url has already been requested and loaded, the promise will resolve immediately.
namespace loadXML
Loads an XML file according to the given URL and adds its associated qweb templates to the given qweb engine. The function can also be used to get the deferred which indicates when all the calls to the function are finished.
Note: “all the calls” = the calls that happened before the current no-args one + the calls that will happen after but when the previous ones are not finished yet.
function get_file(options) → boolean
Cooperative file download implementation, for ajaxy APIs.
Requires that the server side implements an httprequest correctly
setting the fileToken
cookie to the value provided as the token
parameter. The cookie must be set on the /
path and must not be
It would probably also be a good idea for the response to use a
Content-Disposition: attachment
header, especially if the MIME is a
“known” type (e.g. text/plain, or for some browsers application/json
- options (
class GetFileOptions()
attribute url String
used to dynamically create a form
attribute data Object
data to add to the form submission. If can be used without a form, in which case a form is created from scratch. Otherwise, added to form data
attribute form HTMLFormElement
the form to submit in order to fetch the file
attribute success Function
callback in case of download success
attribute error Function
callback in case of request error, provided with the error body
attribute complete Function
called after both success
and error
callbacks have executed
namespace ajax
namespace loadCSS
Load css asynchronously: fetch it from the url parameter and add a link tag to <head>. If the url has already been requested and loaded, the promise will resolve immediately.
namespace loadXML
Loads an XML file according to the given URL and adds its associated qweb templates to the given qweb engine. The function can also be used to get the deferred which indicates when all the calls to the function are finished.
Note: “all the calls” = the calls that happened before the current no-args one + the calls that will happen after but when the previous ones are not finished yet.
function loadLibs(libs) → Deferred
Loads the given js and css libraries. Note that the ajax loadJS and loadCSS methods don’t do anything if the given file is already loaded.
- libs (
)class LoadLibsLibs()
attribute cssLibs Array<string>
- A list of css files, to be loaded in
- parallel
function get_file(options) → boolean
Cooperative file download implementation, for ajaxy APIs.
Requires that the server side implements an httprequest correctly
setting the fileToken
cookie to the value provided as the token
parameter. The cookie must be set on the /
path and must not be
It would probably also be a good idea for the response to use a
Content-Disposition: attachment
header, especially if the MIME is a
“known” type (e.g. text/plain, or for some browsers application/json
- options (
class GetFileOptions()
attribute url String
used to dynamically create a form
attribute data Object
data to add to the form submission. If can be used without a form, in which case a form is created from scratch. Otherwise, added to form data
attribute form HTMLFormElement
the form to submit in order to fetch the file
attribute success Function
callback in case of download success
attribute error Function
callback in case of request error, provided with the error body
attribute complete Function
called after both success
and error
callbacks have executed
module web.dom_ready
namespace def
module web.KanbanColumn
class KanbanColumn(parent, data, options, recordOptions)
method on_attach_callback()
Called when a record has been quick created, as a new column is rendered and appended into a fragment, before replacing the old column in the DOM. When this happens, the quick create widget is inserted into the new column directly, and it should be focused. However, as it is rendered into a fragment, the focus has to be set manually once in the DOM.
method addQuickCreate() → Deferred
Adds the quick create record to the top of the column.
method cancelQuickCreate()
Closes the quick create widget if it isn’t dirty.
module web.Domain
class Domain(domain[, evalContext])
domain (string
or Array
or boolean
or undefined) – The given domain can be:
* a string representation of the Python prefix-array
representation of the domain.
* a JS prefix-array representation of the domain.
* a boolean where the “true” domain match all records and the
“false” domain does not match any records.
* undefined, considered as the false boolean.
* a number, considered as true except 0 considered as false.
evalContext (Object
) – in case the given domain is a string, an
evaluation context might be needed
The Domain Class allows to work with a domain as a tree and provides tools to manipulate array and string representations of domains.
method compute(values) → boolean
Evaluates the domain with a set of values.
- values (
) – a mapping {fieldName -> fieldValue} (note: all
the fields used in the domain should be given a
value otherwise the computation will break)boolean
method toArray() → Array
Return the JS prefix-array representation of this domain. Note that all domains that use the “false” domain cannot be represented as such.
method arrayToString(domain) → string
Converts JS prefix-array representation of a domain to a string representation of the Python prefix-array representation of this domain.
- domain (
or string
method stringToArray(domain[, evalContext]) → Array
Converts a string representation of the Python prefix-array representation of a domain to a JS prefix-array representation of this domain.
domain (string
or Array
evalContext (Object
method normalizeArray(domain) → Array
Makes implicit “&” operators explicit in the given JS prefix-array representation of domain (e.g [A, B] -> [“&”, A, B])
- domain (
) – the JS prefix-array representation of the domain
to normalize (! will be normalized in-place)Array
method domainToCondition(domain) → string
Converts JS prefix-array representation of a domain to a python condition
- domain (
method conditionToDomain(condition) → Array
Converts python condition to a JS prefix-array representation of a domain
- condition (
class Domain(domain[, evalContext])
domain (string
or Array
or boolean
or undefined) – The given domain can be:
* a string representation of the Python prefix-array
representation of the domain.
* a JS prefix-array representation of the domain.
* a boolean where the “true” domain match all records and the
“false” domain does not match any records.
* undefined, considered as the false boolean.
* a number, considered as true except 0 considered as false.
evalContext (Object
) – in case the given domain is a string, an
evaluation context might be needed
The Domain Class allows to work with a domain as a tree and provides tools to manipulate array and string representations of domains.
method compute(values) → boolean
Evaluates the domain with a set of values.
- values (
) – a mapping {fieldName -> fieldValue} (note: all
the fields used in the domain should be given a
value otherwise the computation will break)boolean
method toArray() → Array
Return the JS prefix-array representation of this domain. Note that all domains that use the “false” domain cannot be represented as such.
method arrayToString(domain) → string
Converts JS prefix-array representation of a domain to a string representation of the Python prefix-array representation of this domain.
- domain (
or string
method stringToArray(domain[, evalContext]) → Array
Converts a string representation of the Python prefix-array representation of a domain to a JS prefix-array representation of this domain.
domain (string
or Array
evalContext (Object
method normalizeArray(domain) → Array
Makes implicit “&” operators explicit in the given JS prefix-array representation of domain (e.g [A, B] -> [“&”, A, B])
- domain (
) – the JS prefix-array representation of the domain
to normalize (! will be normalized in-place)Array
method domainToCondition(domain) → string
Converts JS prefix-array representation of a domain to a python condition
- domain (
method conditionToDomain(condition) → Array
Converts python condition to a JS prefix-array representation of a domain
- condition (
module web_editor.translate
module web.ControlPanelMixin
namespace ControlPanelMixin
Mixin allowing widgets to communicate with the ControlPanel. Widgets needing a ControlPanel should use this mixin and call update_control_panel(cp_status) where cp_status contains information for the ControlPanel to update itself.
Note that the API is slightly awkward. Hopefully we will improve this when we get the time to refactor the control panel.
For example, here is what a typical client action would need to do to add support for a control panel with some buttons:
var ControlPanelMixin = require('web.ControlPanelMixin');
var SomeClientAction = Widget.extend(ControlPanelMixin, {
start: function () {
do_show: function () {
_renderButtons: function () {
this.$buttons = $(QWeb.render('SomeTemplate.Buttons'));
this.$buttons.on('click', ...);
_updateControlPanel: function () {
cp_content: {
$buttons: this.$buttons,
function update_control_panel([cp_status][, options])
Triggers ‘update’ on the cp_bus to update the ControlPanel according to cp_status
cp_status (Object
) – see web.ControlPanel.update() for a description
options (Object
) – see web.ControlPanel.update() for a description
namespace ControlPanelMixin
Mixin allowing widgets to communicate with the ControlPanel. Widgets needing a ControlPanel should use this mixin and call update_control_panel(cp_status) where cp_status contains information for the ControlPanel to update itself.
Note that the API is slightly awkward. Hopefully we will improve this when we get the time to refactor the control panel.
For example, here is what a typical client action would need to do to add support for a control panel with some buttons:
var ControlPanelMixin = require('web.ControlPanelMixin');
var SomeClientAction = Widget.extend(ControlPanelMixin, {
start: function () {
do_show: function () {
_renderButtons: function () {
this.$buttons = $(QWeb.render('SomeTemplate.Buttons'));
this.$buttons.on('click', ...);
_updateControlPanel: function () {
cp_content: {
$buttons: this.$buttons,
function update_control_panel([cp_status][, options])
Triggers ‘update’ on the cp_bus to update the ControlPanel according to cp_status
cp_status (Object
) – see web.ControlPanel.update() for a description
options (Object
) – see web.ControlPanel.update() for a description
module web.TimeRangeMenu
class TimeRangeMenu(parent, fields, configuration)
method facetFor() → Object
Generates a Facet()
descriptor from a
filter descriptor
module web.Widget
class Widget(parent)
- PropertiesMixin
- ServicesMixin
- parent (
or null) – Binds the current instance to the given Widget
instance. When that widget is destroyed by calling destroy(), the
current instance will be destroyed too. Can be null.Base class for all visual components. Provides a lot of functions helpful for the management of a part of the DOM.
Widget handles:
- Rendering with QWeb.
- Life-cycle management and parenting (when a parent is destroyed, all its children are destroyed too).
- Insertion in DOM.
Guide to create implementations of the Widget class
Here is a sample child class:
var MyWidget = Widget.extend({
// the name of the QWeb template to use for rendering
template: "MyQWebTemplate",
init: function (parent) {
// stuff that you want to init before the rendering
willStart: function () {
// async work that need to be done before the widget is ready
// this method should return a deferred
start: function() {
// stuff you want to make after the rendering, `this.$el` holds a correct value
this.$(".my_button").click(/* an example of event binding * /);
// if you have some asynchronous operations, it's a good idea to return
// a promise in start(). Note that this is quite rare, and if you
// need to fetch some data, this should probably be done in the
// willStart method
var promise = this._rpc(...);
return promise;
Now this class can simply be used with the following syntax:
var myWidget = new MyWidget(this);
With these two lines, the MyWidget instance was initialized, rendered,
inserted into the DOM inside the .some-div
div and its events were
And of course, when you don’t need that widget anymore, just do:
That will kill the widget in a clean way and erase its content from the dom.
attribute template null|string
The name of the QWeb template that will be used for rendering. Must be redefined in subclasses or the default render() method can not be used.
attribute xmlDependencies null|string[]
List of paths to xml files that need to be loaded before the widget can be rendered. This will not induce loading anything that has already been loaded.
method willStart() → Deferred
Method called between @see init and @see start. Performs asynchronous calls required by the rendering and the start method.
This method should return a Deferred which is resolved when start can be executed.
method start() → Deferred
Method called after rendering. Mostly used to bind actions, perform asynchronous calls, etc…
By convention, this method should return an object that can be passed to $.when() to inform the caller when this widget has been initialized.
Note that, for historic reasons, many widgets still do work in the start method that would be more suited to the willStart method.
method destroy()
Destroys the current widget, also destroys all its children before destroying itself.
method appendTo(target)
Renders the current widget and appends it to the given jQuery object.
- target (
)method attachTo(target)
Attach the current widget to a dom element
- target (
)method do_hide()
Hides the widget
method do_show()
Displays the widget
method do_toggle([display])
Displays or hides the widget
- display (
) – use true to show the widget or false to hide itmethod insertAfter(target)
Renders the current widget and inserts it after to the given jQuery object.
- target (
)method insertBefore(target)
Renders the current widget and inserts it before to the given jQuery object.
- target (
)method prependTo(target)
Renders the current widget and prepends it to the given jQuery object.
- target (
)method renderElement()
Renders the element. The default implementation renders the widget using
QWeb, this.template
must be defined. The context given to QWeb contains
the “widget” key that references this
method replace(target)
Renders the current widget and replaces the given jQuery object.
- target – A jQuery object or a Widget instance.
method setElement(element) → Widget
Re-sets the widget’s root element (el/$el/$el).
- re-delegating events
- re-binding sub-elements
- if the widget already had a root element, replacing the pre-existing element in the DOM
- element (
or jQuery
) – new root element for the widgetclass Widget(parent)
- PropertiesMixin
- ServicesMixin
- parent (
or null) – Binds the current instance to the given Widget
instance. When that widget is destroyed by calling destroy(), the
current instance will be destroyed too. Can be null.Base class for all visual components. Provides a lot of functions helpful for the management of a part of the DOM.
Widget handles:
- Rendering with QWeb.
- Life-cycle management and parenting (when a parent is destroyed, all its children are destroyed too).
- Insertion in DOM.
Guide to create implementations of the Widget class
Here is a sample child class:
var MyWidget = Widget.extend({
// the name of the QWeb template to use for rendering
template: "MyQWebTemplate",
init: function (parent) {
// stuff that you want to init before the rendering
willStart: function () {
// async work that need to be done before the widget is ready
// this method should return a deferred
start: function() {
// stuff you want to make after the rendering, `this.$el` holds a correct value
this.$(".my_button").click(/* an example of event binding * /);
// if you have some asynchronous operations, it's a good idea to return
// a promise in start(). Note that this is quite rare, and if you
// need to fetch some data, this should probably be done in the
// willStart method
var promise = this._rpc(...);
return promise;
Now this class can simply be used with the following syntax:
var myWidget = new MyWidget(this);
With these two lines, the MyWidget instance was initialized, rendered,
inserted into the DOM inside the .some-div
div and its events were
And of course, when you don’t need that widget anymore, just do:
That will kill the widget in a clean way and erase its content from the dom.
attribute template null|string
The name of the QWeb template that will be used for rendering. Must be redefined in subclasses or the default render() method can not be used.
attribute xmlDependencies null|string[]
List of paths to xml files that need to be loaded before the widget can be rendered. This will not induce loading anything that has already been loaded.
method willStart() → Deferred
Method called between @see init and @see start. Performs asynchronous calls required by the rendering and the start method.
This method should return a Deferred which is resolved when start can be executed.
method start() → Deferred
Method called after rendering. Mostly used to bind actions, perform asynchronous calls, etc…
By convention, this method should return an object that can be passed to $.when() to inform the caller when this widget has been initialized.
Note that, for historic reasons, many widgets still do work in the start method that would be more suited to the willStart method.
method destroy()
Destroys the current widget, also destroys all its children before destroying itself.
method appendTo(target)
Renders the current widget and appends it to the given jQuery object.
- target (
)method attachTo(target)
Attach the current widget to a dom element
- target (
)method do_hide()
Hides the widget
method do_show()
Displays the widget
method do_toggle([display])
Displays or hides the widget
- display (
) – use true to show the widget or false to hide itmethod insertAfter(target)
Renders the current widget and inserts it after to the given jQuery object.
- target (
)method insertBefore(target)
Renders the current widget and inserts it before to the given jQuery object.
- target (
)method prependTo(target)
Renders the current widget and prepends it to the given jQuery object.
- target (
)method renderElement()
Renders the element. The default implementation renders the widget using
QWeb, this.template
must be defined. The context given to QWeb contains
the “widget” key that references this
method replace(target)
Renders the current widget and replaces the given jQuery object.
- target – A jQuery object or a Widget instance.
method setElement(element) → Widget
Re-sets the widget’s root element (el/$el/$el).
- re-delegating events
- re-binding sub-elements
- if the widget already had a root element, replacing the pre-existing element in the DOM
- element (
or jQuery
) – new root element for the widgetmodule web.framework
function blockAccessKeys()
Remove the “accesskey” attributes to avoid the use of the access keys while the blockUI is enable.
function ReloadContext(parent, action)
Client action to refresh the session context (making sure HTTP requests will have the right one) then reload the whole interface.
function redirect(url, wait)
Redirect to url by replacing window.location If wait is true, sleep 1s and wait for the server i.e. after a restart.
function Home(parent, action)
Client action to go back home.
function redirect(url, wait)
Redirect to url by replacing window.location If wait is true, sleep 1s and wait for the server i.e. after a restart.
module web.CalendarQuickCreate
class QuickCreate(parent, buttons, options, dataTemplate, dataCalendar)
parent (Widget
buttons (Object
options (Object
dataTemplate (Object
dataCalendar (Object
Quick creation view.
Triggers a single event “added” with a single parameter “name”, which is the name entered by the user
class QuickCreate(parent, buttons, options, dataTemplate, dataCalendar)
parent (Widget
buttons (Object
options (Object
dataTemplate (Object
dataCalendar (Object
Quick creation view.
Triggers a single event “added” with a single parameter “name”, which is the name entered by the user
module report.utils
module web.ServiceProviderMixin
namespace ServiceProviderMixin
module web.dataComparisonUtils
module web.ModelFieldSelector
class ModelFieldSelector(parent, model, chain[, options])
model (string
) – the model name (e.g. “res.partner”)
chain (Array
>) – list of the initial field chain parts
options (ModelFieldSelectorOptions
) – some key-value options
The ModelFieldSelector widget can be used to display/select a particular field chain from a given model.
method getSelectedField() → Object
Returns the field information selected by the field chain.
method isValid() → boolean
Indicates if the field chain is valid. If the field chain has not been processed yet (the widget is not ready), this method will return undefined.
method setChain(chain) → Deferred
Saves a new field chain (array) and re-render.
- chain (
>) – the new field chainclass ModelFieldSelectorOptions()
some key-value options
attribute order string
an ordering key for displayed fields
attribute readonly boolean
true if should be readonly
attribute filter function
a function to filter the fetched fields
attribute filters Object
some key-value options to filter the fetched fields
attribute filters.searchable boolean
true if only the searchable fields have to be used
attribute fields Object[]
- the list of fields info to use when no relation has
- been followed (null indicates the widget has to request the fields itself)
attribute followRelations boolean|function
true if can follow relation when building the chain
attribute debugMode boolean
true if the widget is in debug mode, false otherwise
function sortFields(fields, model, order) → Object[]
Allows to transform a mapping field name -> field info in an array of the field infos, sorted by field user name (“string” value). The field infos in the final array contain an additional key “name” with the field name.
fields (Object
) – the mapping field name -> field info
model (string
>class ModelFieldSelector(parent, model, chain[, options])
model (string
) – the model name (e.g. “res.partner”)
chain (Array
>) – list of the initial field chain parts
options (ModelFieldSelectorOptions
) – some key-value options
The ModelFieldSelector widget can be used to display/select a particular field chain from a given model.
method getSelectedField() → Object
Returns the field information selected by the field chain.
method isValid() → boolean
Indicates if the field chain is valid. If the field chain has not been processed yet (the widget is not ready), this method will return undefined.
method setChain(chain) → Deferred
Saves a new field chain (array) and re-render.
- chain (
>) – the new field chainclass ModelFieldSelectorOptions()
some key-value options
attribute order string
an ordering key for displayed fields
attribute readonly boolean
true if should be readonly
attribute filter function
a function to filter the fetched fields
attribute filters Object
some key-value options to filter the fetched fields
attribute filters.searchable boolean
true if only the searchable fields have to be used
attribute fields Object[]
- the list of fields info to use when no relation has
- been followed (null indicates the widget has to request the fields itself)
attribute followRelations boolean|function
true if can follow relation when building the chain
attribute debugMode boolean
true if the widget is in debug mode, false otherwise
namespace modelFieldsCache
Field Selector Cache - TODO Should be improved to use external cache ? - Stores fields per model used in field selector
module web_editor.BodyManager
class BodyManager()
Element which is designed to be unique and that will be the top-most element in the widget hierarchy. So, all other widgets will be indirectly linked to this Class instance. Its main role will be to retrieve RPC demands from its children and handle them.
class BodyManager()
Element which is designed to be unique and that will be the top-most element in the widget hierarchy. So, all other widgets will be indirectly linked to this Class instance. Its main role will be to retrieve RPC demands from its children and handle them.
module web.AbstractStorageService
class AbstractStorageService(parent)
- parent
method clear()
Removes all data from the storage
method getItem(key, defaultValue) → string
Returns the value associated with a given key in the storage
key (string
method removeItem(key)
Removes the given key from the storage
- key (
)method setItem(key, value)
Sets the value of a given key in the storage
key (string
value (string
method onStorage()
Add an handler on storage event
module web.ListView
class ListView(viewInfo, params)
viewInfo (Object
params (ListViewParams
class ListViewParams()
attribute hasSidebar boolean
attribute hasSelectors boolean
module web.KanbanRenderer
class KanbanRenderer()
method on_attach_callback()
As this renderer defines its own scrolling area (the column in grouped mode), we override this hook to restore the scroll position like it was when the renderer has been last detached.
method on_detach_callback()
As this renderer defines its own scrolling area (the column in grouped mode), we override this hook to store the scroll position, so that we can restore it if the renderer is re-attached to the DOM later.
method addQuickCreate() → Deferred
Displays the quick create record in the active column
method quickCreateToggleFold()
Toggle fold/unfold the Column quick create widget
method removeWidget(widget)
Removes a widget (record if ungrouped, column if grouped) from the view.
- widget (
) – the instance of the widget to removemethod updateColumn(localID)
Overrides to restore the left property and the scrollTop on the updated column, and to enable the swipe handlers
- localID
method updateRecord(recordState) → Deferred
Updates a given record with its new state.
- recordState (
)module web_editor.rte
module web.Loading
class Loading(parent)
- parent
module web.KanbanController
class KanbanController(parent, model, renderer, params)
params (KanbanControllerParams
class KanbanControllerParams()
attribute quickCreateEnabled boolean
- set to false to disable the
- quick create feature
module web_tour.utils
module web.sessionStorage
object storage instance of RamStorage
module web.PivotModel
class PivotModel(params)
- params (
)method closeHeader(headerID) → Deferred
Close a header. This method is actually synchronous, but returns a deferred.
- headerID (
)method expandHeader(header, field)
Expand (open up) a given header, be it a row or a column.
header (any
field (any
method exportData() → Object
Export the current pivot view in a simple JS object.
method flip()
Swap the columns and the rows. It is a synchronous operation.
method sortRows(col_id, measure, descending)
Sort the rows, depending on the values of a given column. This is an in-memory sort.
col_id (any
measure (any
descending (any
method toggleMeasure(field) → Deferred
Toggle the active state for a given measure, then reload the data.
- field (
)module web_editor.snippet.editor
class SnippetsMenu(parent, $editable)
Management of drag&drop menu and snippet related behaviors in the page.
class SnippetEditor(parent, target, templateOptions)
Management of the overlay and option list for a snippet.
method buildSnippet()
Notifies all the associated snippet options that the snippet has just been dropped in the page.
method cleanForSave()
Notifies all the associated snippet options that the template which contains the snippet is about to be saved.
method cover()
Makes the editor overlay cover the associated snippet.
method removeSnippet()
Removes the associated snippet from the DOM and destroys the associated editor (itself).
method toggleFocus(focus)
Displays/Hides the editor overlay and notifies the associated snippet options. Note: when it is displayed, this is here that the parent snippet options are moved to the editor overlay.
- focus (
) – true to display, false to hideclass SnippetsMenu(parent, $editable)
Management of drag&drop menu and snippet related behaviors in the page.
class SnippetEditor(parent, target, templateOptions)
Management of the overlay and option list for a snippet.
method buildSnippet()
Notifies all the associated snippet options that the snippet has just been dropped in the page.
method cleanForSave()
Notifies all the associated snippet options that the template which contains the snippet is about to be saved.
method cover()
Makes the editor overlay cover the associated snippet.
method removeSnippet()
Removes the associated snippet from the DOM and destroys the associated editor (itself).
method toggleFocus(focus)
Displays/Hides the editor overlay and notifies the associated snippet options. Note: when it is displayed, this is here that the parent snippet options are moved to the editor overlay.
- focus (
) – true to display, false to hidemodule web.local_storage
object storage instance of RamStorage
module web.special_fields
class FieldTimezoneMismatch()
This widget is intended to display a warning near a label of a ‘timezone’ field indicating if the browser timezone is identical (or not) to the selected timezone. This widget depends on a field given with the param ‘tz_offset_field’, which contains the time difference between UTC time and local time, in minutes.
class FieldTimezoneMismatch()
This widget is intended to display a warning near a label of a ‘timezone’ field indicating if the browser timezone is identical (or not) to the selected timezone. This widget depends on a field given with the param ‘tz_offset_field’, which contains the time difference between UTC time and local time, in minutes.
module web.SessionStorageService
class SessionStorageService(parent)
- parent
module web.translation
function _t(source) → String
Eager translation function, performs translation immediately at call
site. Beware using this outside of method bodies (before the
translation database is loaded), you probably want _lt()
- source (
) – string to translateString
function _lt(s) → Object
Lazy translation function, only performs the translation when actually printed (e.g. inserted into a template)
Useful when defining translatable strings in code evaluated before the translation database is loaded, as class attributes or at the top-level of an OpenERP Web module
- s (
) – string to translateObject
function _t(source) → String
Eager translation function, performs translation immediately at call
site. Beware using this outside of method bodies (before the
translation database is loaded), you probably want _lt()
- source (
) – string to translateString
function _lt(s) → Object
Lazy translation function, only performs the translation when actually printed (e.g. inserted into a template)
Useful when defining translatable strings in code evaluated before the translation database is loaded, as class attributes or at the top-level of an OpenERP Web module
- s (
) – string to translateObject
module web.FormView
class FormView(viewInfo, params)
module web.AjaxService
class AjaxService(parent)
- parent
module web.search_filters
module web.KanbanView
class KanbanView(viewInfo, params)
module web.CrashManager
class RedirectWarningHandler(parent, error)
Handle redirection warnings, which behave more or less like a regular warning, with an additional redirection button.
class CrashManager()
namespace ExceptionHandler
An interface to implement to handle exceptions. Register implementation in instance.web.crash_manager_registry.
function display()
Called to inform to display the widget, if necessary. A typical way would be to implement this interface in a class extending instance.web.Dialog and simply display the dialog in this method.
module web_editor.ready
module web_editor.summernote
module web.core
class Class()
Improved John Resig’s inheritance, based on:
Simple JavaScript Inheritance By John Resig MIT Licensed.
Adds “include()”
Defines The Class object. That object can be used to define and inherit classes using the extend() method.
var Person = Class.extend({
init: function(isDancing){
this.dancing = isDancing;
dance: function(){
return this.dancing;
The init() method act as a constructor. This class can be instanced this way:
var person = new Person(true);;
The Person class can also be extended again:
var Ninja = Person.extend({
init: function(){
this._super( false );
dance: function(){
// Call the inherited version of dance()
return this._super();
swingSword: function(){
return true;
When extending a class, each re-defined method can use this._super() to call the previous implementation of that method.
method extend(prop)
Subclass an existing class
- prop (
) – class-level properties (class attributes and instance methods) to set on the new classattribute bus Boolean
Whether the client is currently in “debug” mode
function _t(source) → String
Eager translation function, performs translation immediately at call
site. Beware using this outside of method bodies (before the
translation database is loaded), you probably want _lt()
- source (
) – string to translateString
function _lt(s) → Object
Lazy translation function, only performs the translation when actually printed (e.g. inserted into a template)
Useful when defining translatable strings in code evaluated before the translation database is loaded, as class attributes or at the top-level of an OpenERP Web module
- s (
) – string to translateObject
attribute bus Boolean
Whether the client is currently in “debug” mode
module web.GraphView
class GraphView(viewInfo, params)
module web.AutoComplete
class (parent, options)
module web_tour.Tip
class Tip(parent[, info])
parent (Widget
info (Object
) – description of the tip, containing the following keys:
- content [String] the html content of the tip
- event_handlers [Object] description of optional event handlers to bind to the tip:
- event [String] the event name
- selector [String] the jQuery selector on which the event should be bound
- handler [function] the handler
- position [String] tip’s position (‘top’, ‘right’, ‘left’ or ‘bottom’), default ‘right’
- width [int] the width in px of the tip when opened, default 270
- space [int] space in px between anchor and tip, default 10
- overlay [Object] x and y values for the number of pixels the mouseout detection area
overlaps the opened tip, default {x: 50, y: 50}
module web.DebugManager
class DebugManager()
DebugManager base + general features (applicable to any context)
method perform_callback(evt)
Calls the appropriate callback when clicking on a Debug option
- evt
method perform_js_tests()
Runs the JS (desktop) tests
method perform_js_mobile_tests()
Runs the JS mobile tests
method regenerateAssets() → void
Delete assets bundles to force their regeneration
class DebugManager()
DebugManager base + general features (applicable to any context)
method perform_callback(evt)
Calls the appropriate callback when clicking on a Debug option
- evt
method perform_js_tests()
Runs the JS (desktop) tests
method perform_js_mobile_tests()
Runs the JS mobile tests
method regenerateAssets() → void
Delete assets bundles to force their regeneration
module web.CalendarRenderer
class (parent, state, params)
parent (Widget
state (Object
params (Object
function getAvatars(record, fieldName, imageField) → string[]
Note: this is not dead code, it is called by the calendar-box template
record (any
fieldName (any
imageField (any
>function getColor(key) → integer
Note: this is not dead code, it is called by two template
- key (
module web.Class
class Class()
Improved John Resig’s inheritance, based on:
Simple JavaScript Inheritance By John Resig MIT Licensed.
Adds “include()”
Defines The Class object. That object can be used to define and inherit classes using the extend() method.
var Person = Class.extend({
init: function(isDancing){
this.dancing = isDancing;
dance: function(){
return this.dancing;
The init() method act as a constructor. This class can be instanced this way:
var person = new Person(true);;
The Person class can also be extended again:
var Ninja = Person.extend({
init: function(){
this._super( false );
dance: function(){
// Call the inherited version of dance()
return this._super();
swingSword: function(){
return true;
When extending a class, each re-defined method can use this._super() to call the previous implementation of that method.
method extend(prop)
Subclass an existing class
- prop (
) – class-level properties (class attributes and instance methods) to set on the new classclass Class()
Improved John Resig’s inheritance, based on:
Simple JavaScript Inheritance By John Resig MIT Licensed.
Adds “include()”
Defines The Class object. That object can be used to define and inherit classes using the extend() method.
var Person = Class.extend({
init: function(isDancing){
this.dancing = isDancing;
dance: function(){
return this.dancing;
The init() method act as a constructor. This class can be instanced this way:
var person = new Person(true);;
The Person class can also be extended again:
var Ninja = Person.extend({
init: function(){
this._super( false );
dance: function(){
// Call the inherited version of dance()
return this._super();
swingSword: function(){
return true;
When extending a class, each re-defined method can use this._super() to call the previous implementation of that method.
method extend(prop)
Subclass an existing class
- prop (
) – class-level properties (class attributes and instance methods) to set on the new classmodule web.AbstractModel
class AbstractModel(parent)
method get() → *
This method should return the complete state necessary for the renderer to display the currently viewed data.
method load(params) → Deferred
The load method is called once in a model, when we load the data for the first time. The method returns (a deferred that resolves to) some kind of token/handle. The handle can then be used with the get method to access a representation of the data.
class LoadParams()
attribute modelName string
the name of the model
function reload(params) → Deferred
When something changes, the data may need to be refetched. This is the job for this method: reloading (only if necessary) all the data and making sure that they are ready to be redisplayed.
- params (
)module web.kanban_column_quick_create
class ColumnQuickCreate(parent[, options])
options (ColumnQuickCreateOptions
method on_attach_callback()
Called each time the quick create is attached into the DOM
method toggleFold()
Folds/unfolds the Column quick create widget
class ColumnQuickCreateOptions()
attribute examples Object
module web.CalendarModel
class ()
function calendarEventToRecord(event)
Transform fullcalendar event object to OpenERP Data object
- event
function next()
Move the current date range to the next period
function prev()
Move the current date range to the previous period
function today()
Move the current date range to the period containing today
function toggleFullWidth()
Toggle the sidebar (containing the mini calendar)
module web.crash_manager
object instance of CrashManager
module web.StandaloneFieldManagerMixin
mixin StandaloneFieldManagerMixin
The StandaloneFieldManagerMixin is a mixin, designed to be used by a widget that instanciates its own field widgets.
mixin StandaloneFieldManagerMixin
The StandaloneFieldManagerMixin is a mixin, designed to be used by a widget that instanciates its own field widgets.
module web.KanbanRecord
class KanbanRecord(parent, state, options)
method on_attach_callback()
Called each time the record is attached to the DOM.
method on_detach_callback()
Called each time the record is detached from the DOM.
method update(state) → Deferred
Re-renders the record with a new state
- state (
)module web_editor.ace
class ViewEditor(parent, viewKey[, options])
parent (Widget
viewKey (string
or integer
) – xml_id or id of the view whose linked resources have to be loaded.
options (ViewEditorOptions
Allows to visualize resources (by default, XML views) and edit them.
method willStart()
Loads everything the ace library needs to work. It also loads the resources to visualize (@see _loadResources).
method start()
Initializes the library and initial view once the DOM is ready. It also initializes the resize feature of the ace editor.
class ViewEditorOptions()
attribute initialResID string|integer
- a specific view ID / SCSS URL to load on start (otherwise the main
- view ID associated with the specified viewKey will be used)
attribute position string
attribute doNotLoadViews boolean
attribute doNotLoadSCSS boolean
attribute includeBundles boolean
attribute includeAllSCSS boolean
attribute defaultBundlesRestriction string[]
function formatSCSS(scss) → string
Formats some SCSS so that it has proper indentation and structure.
- scss (
function checkXML(xml) → Object
Checks the syntax validity of some XML.
- xml (
class ViewEditor(parent, viewKey[, options])
parent (Widget
viewKey (string
or integer
) – xml_id or id of the view whose linked resources have to be loaded.
options (ViewEditorOptions
Allows to visualize resources (by default, XML views) and edit them.
method willStart()
Loads everything the ace library needs to work. It also loads the resources to visualize (@see _loadResources).
method start()
Initializes the library and initial view once the DOM is ready. It also initializes the resize feature of the ace editor.
class ViewEditorOptions()
attribute initialResID string|integer
- a specific view ID / SCSS URL to load on start (otherwise the main
- view ID associated with the specified viewKey will be used)
attribute position string
attribute doNotLoadViews boolean
attribute doNotLoadSCSS boolean
attribute includeBundles boolean
attribute includeAllSCSS boolean
attribute defaultBundlesRestriction string[]
function formatXML(xml) → string
Formats some XML so that it has proper indentation and structure.
- xml (
namespace checkSCSS
Checks the syntax validity of some SCSS.
function _getCheckReturn(isValid[, errorLine][, errorMessage]) → Object
Formats a content-check result (@see checkXML, checkSCSS).
isValid (boolean
errorLine (integer
) – needed if isValid is false
errorMessage (string
) – needed if isValid is false
module web.session
object session instance of Session
module web_editor.IframeRoot
module web.Pager
class Pager([parent, ][size, ][current_min, ][limit, ]options)
parent (Widget
) – the parent widget
size (int
) – the total number of elements
current_min (int
) – the first element of the current_page
limit (int
) – the number of elements per page
options (PagerOptions
method start() → jQuery.Deferred
Renders the pager
method disable()
Disables the pager’s arrows and the edition
method enable()
Enables the pager’s arrows and the edition
method next()
Executes the next action on the pager
method previous()
Executes the previous action on the pager
method updateState([state][, options])
Sets the state of the pager and renders it
state (Object
) – the values to update (size, current_min and limit)
options (UpdateStateOptions
class UpdateStateOptions()
attribute notifyChange boolean
- set to true to make the pager
- notify the environment that its state changed
class PagerOptions()
attribute can_edit boolean
editable feature of the pager
attribute single_page_hidden boolean
- (not) to display the pager
- if only one page
attribute validate function
- callback returning a Deferred to
- validate changes
module report.client_action
class ReportAction(parent, action, options)
method on_message_received(ev)
Event handler of the message post. We only handle them if they’re from
host and protocol and if they’re part of AUTHORIZED_MESSAGES
- ev
module web_editor.root_widget
class RootWidget()
Specialized Widget which automatically instantiates child widgets to attach to internal DOM elements once it is started. The widgets to instantiate are known thanks to a linked registry which contains info about the widget classes and jQuery selectors to use to find the elements to attach them to.
class RootWidget()
Specialized Widget which automatically instantiates child widgets to attach to internal DOM elements once it is started. The widgets to instantiate are known thanks to a linked registry which contains info about the widget classes and jQuery selectors to use to find the elements to attach them to.
module web.GraphModel
class (parent)
- parent (
)function get() → Object
We defend against outside modifications by extending the chart data. It may be overkill.
function load(params) → Deferred
Initial loading.
- params (
)class LoadParams()
attribute mode string
one of ‘pie’, ‘bar’, ‘line
attribute measure string
a valid field name
attribute groupBys string[]
a list of valid field names
attribute context Object
attribute domain string[]
attribute intervalMapping Object
- object linking fieldNames with intervals.
- this could be useful to simplify the code. For now this parameter is not used.
function reload(handle, params) → Deferred
Reload data. It is similar to the load function. Note that we ignore the handle parameter, we always expect our data to be in this.chart object.
handle (any
) – ignored!
params (ReloadParams
class ReloadParams()
attribute domain string[]
attribute groupBy string[]
attribute mode string
one of ‘bar’, ‘pie’, ‘line’
attribute measure string
a valid field name
module web.LocalStorageService
class LocalStorageService(parent)
- parent
module web_editor.editor
module web.BasicController
class BasicController(parent, model, renderer, params)
method canBeDiscarded([recordID]) → Deferred<boolean>
Determines if we can discard the current changes. If the model is not dirty, that is not a problem. However, if it is dirty, we have to ask the user for confirmation.
- recordID (
) – default to main recordIDDeferred
>method canBeSaved([recordID]) → boolean
Ask the renderer if all associated field widget are in a valid state for saving (valid value and non-empty value for required fields). If this is not the case, this notifies the user with a warning containing the names of the invalid fields.
Note: changing the style of invalid fields is the renderer’s job.
- recordID (
) – default to main recordIDboolean
method discardChanges(recordID, options)
Waits for the mutex to be unlocked and then calls _.discardChanges. This ensures that the confirm dialog isn’t displayed directly if there is a pending ‘write’ rpc.
method getSelectedIds() → Array
Method that will be overriden by the views with the ability to have selected ids
method giveFocus()
Gives the focus to the renderer
method isDirty([recordID]) → boolean
Returns true iff the given recordID (or the main recordID) is dirty.
- recordID (
) – default to main recordIDboolean
method saveRecord([recordID][, options]) → Deferred
Saves the record whose ID is given if necessary (@see _saveRecord).
recordID (string
) – default to main recordID
options (Object
class BasicControllerParams()
attribute archiveEnabled boolean
attribute confirmOnDelete boolean
attribute hasButtons boolean
module web.DropdownMenu
class DropdownMenu(parent, dropdownHeader, items)
parent (Widget
dropdownHeader (DropdownMenuDropdownHeader
) – object used to customize the dropdown menu.
items (Array
>) – list of menu items
Menu items:
* itemId: string; (optional) unique id associated with the item
* description: string; label printed on screen
* groupId: string;
* isActive: boolean; (optional) determines if the item is considered active
* isOpen: boolean; (optional) in case there are options the submenu presenting the options is opened or closed according to isOpen
* isRemovable: boolean; (optional) can be removed from menu options: array of objects with ‘optionId’ and ‘description’ keys; (optional)
* currentOptionId: string refers to an optionId that is activated if item is active (optional)
method start()
class DropdownMenuDropdownHeader()
object used to customize the dropdown menu.
attribute title String
attribute icon String
attribute symbol String
attribute category String
descripbes the type of items
attribute style String
the button style
module web.Notification
class Notification(parent, params)
parent (Widget
params (NotificationParams
class NotificationParams()
attribute title string
notification title
attribute message string
notification main message
attribute type string
‘notification’ or ‘warning’
attribute sticky boolean
- if true, the notification will stay
- visible until the user clicks on it.
attribute className string
className to add on the dom
attribute onClose function
- callback when the user click on the x
- or when the notification is auto close (no sticky)
attribute buttons Object[]
attribute buttons[0].click function
callback on click
attribute buttons[0].primary boolean
display the button as primary
attribute buttons[0].text string
button label
attribute buttons[0].icon string
font-awsome className or image src
module web.DataManager
class ()
function invalidate()
Invalidates the whole cache Suggestion: could be refined to invalidate some part of the cache
function load_action([action_id][, additional_context]) → Deferred
Loads an action from its id or xmlid.
action_id (int
or string
) – the action id or xmlid
additional_context (Object
) – used to load the action
function load_views(params[, options]) → Deferred
Loads various information concerning views: fields_view for each view, the fields of the corresponding model, and optionally the filters.
params (LoadViewsParams
options (Object
) – dictionary of various options:
- options.load_filters: whether or not to load the filters,
- options.action_id: the action_id (required to load filters),
- options.toolbar: whether or not a toolbar will be displayed,
class LoadViewsParams()
attribute model String
attribute context Object
attribute views_descr Array
array of [view_id, view_type]
function load_filters([dataset][, action_id]) → Deferred
Loads the filters of a given model and optional action id.
dataset (Object
) – the dataset for which the filters are loaded
action_id (int
) – the id of the action (optional)
function create_filter([filter]) → Deferred
Calls ‘create_or_replace’ on ‘ir_filters’.
- filter (
) – the filter descriptionfunction delete_filter([filter]) → Deferred
Calls ‘unlink’ on ‘ir_filters’.
- filter (
) – the description of the filter to removemodule web.AbstractRenderer
class AbstractRenderer(parent, state, params)
parent (Widget
state (any
params (AbstractRendererParams
method start() → Deferred
The rendering can be asynchronous (but it is not encouraged). The start method simply makes sure that we render the view.
method on_attach_callback()
Called each time the renderer is attached into the DOM.
method on_detach_callback()
Called each time the renderer is detached from the DOM.
method getLocalState() → any
Returns any relevant state that the renderer might want to keep.
The idea is that a renderer can be destroyed, then be replaced by another one instantiated with the state from the model and the localState from the renderer, and the end result should be the same.
The kind of state that we expect the renderer to have is mostly DOM state such as the scroll position, the currently active tab page, …
This method is called before each updateState, by the controller.
method giveFocus()
Order to focus to be given to the content of the current view
method setLocalState(localState)
This is the reverse operation from getLocalState. With this method, we expect the renderer to restore all DOM state, if it is relevant.
This method is called after each updateState, by the controller.
- localState (
) – the result of a call to getLocalStatemethod updateState(state, params) → Deferred
Updates the state of the view. It retriggers a full rerender, unless told otherwise (for optimization for example).
state (any
params (UpdateStateParams
class UpdateStateParams()
attribute noRender boolean
if true, the method only updates the state without rerendering
class AbstractRendererParams()
attribute noContentHelp string
module web.Context
class Context()
method set_eval_context(evalContext) → Context
Set the evaluation context to be used when we actually eval.
- evalContext (
)module web.CalendarView
class CalendarView(viewInfo, params)
module web.search_inputs
class CharField(view_section, field, parent)
Implementation of the char
OpenERP field type:
- Default operator is
rather than=
- The Javascript and the HTML values are identical (strings)
function facet_from(field, pair)
Utility function for m2o & selection fields taking a selection/name_get pair (value, name) and converting it to a Facet descriptor
field (
) – holder field
pair (Array
) – pair value to convert
module web.SearchView
class SearchView(parent, dataset, fvg[, options])
options (SearchViewOptions
method do_search([_query][, options])
Performs the search view collection of widget data.
If the collection went well (all fields are valid), then triggers
If at least one field failed its validation, triggers
options (Object
method setup_global_completion()
Sets up search view’s view-wide auto-completion widget
method complete_global_search(req, resp)
Provide auto-completion result for req.term (an array to resp
req (CompleteGlobalSearchReq
) – request to complete
resp (Function
) – response callback
class CompleteGlobalSearchReq()
request to complete
attribute term String
searched term to complete
function select_completion(e, ui)
Action to perform in case of selection: create a facet (model) and add it to the search collection
e (Object
) – selection event, preventDefault to avoid setting value on object
ui (SelectCompletionUi
) – selection information
class SelectCompletionUi()
selection information
attribute item Object
selected completion item
function renderChangedFacets(model, options)
Call the renderFacets method with the correct arguments. This is due to the fact that change events are called with two arguments (model, options) while add, reset and remove events are called with (collection, model, options) as arguments
function updateFilters(newFilters, filtersToRemove) → Array<Object>
Updates the domain of the search view by adding and/or removing filters.
newFilters (Array
>) – list of filters to add, described by
objects with keys domain (the domain as an Array), and help (the text
to display in the facet)
filtersToRemove (Array
>) – list of filters to remove
(previously added ones)
>class SearchViewOptions()
attribute hidden Boolean
hide the search view
attribute disable_custom_filters Boolean
do not load custom filters from ir.filters
module web.AbstractField
class AbstractField(parent, name, record[, options])
parent (Widget
name (string
) – The field name defined in the model
record (Object
) – A record object (result of the get method of
a basic model)
options (AbstractFieldOptions
namespace fieldDependencies
An object representing fields to be fetched by the model eventhough not present in the view This object contains “field name” as key and an object as value. That value object must contain the key “type” see FieldBinaryImage for an example.
attribute resetOnAnyFieldChange Boolean
If this flag is set to true, the field widget will be reset on every change which is made in the view (if the view supports it). This is currently a form view feature.
attribute specialData Boolean
If this flag is given a string, the related BasicModel will be used to initialize specialData the field might need. This data will be available through this.record.specialData[].
attribute supportedFieldTypes Array<String>
to override to indicate which field types are supported by the widget
method willStart()
Loads the libraries listed in this.jsLibs and this.cssLibs
method start() → Deferred
When a field widget is appended to the DOM, its start method is called, and will automatically call render. Most widgets should not override this.
method activate([options]) → boolean
Activates the field widget. By default, activation means focusing and selecting (if possible) the associated focusable element. The selecting part can be disabled. In that case, note that the focused input/textarea will have the cursor at the very end.
- options (
class ActivateOptions()
attribute noselect boolean
- if false and the input
- is of type text or textarea, the content will also be selected
attribute event Event
the event which fired this activation
function commitChanges() → Deferred|undefined
This function should be implemented by widgets that are not able to notify their environment when their value changes (maybe because their are not aware of the changes) or that may have a value in a temporary state (maybe because some action should be performed to validate it before notifying it). This is typically called before trying to save the widget’s value, so it should call _setValue() to notify the environment if the value changed but was not notified.
or undefinedfunction getFocusableElement() → jQuery
Returns the main field’s DOM element (jQuery form) which can be focused by the browser.
function isFocusable() → boolean
Returns true iff the widget has a visible element that can take the focus
function isSet() → boolean
this method is used to determine if the field value is set to a meaningful value. This is useful to determine if a field should be displayed as empty
function isValid() → boolean
A field widget is valid if it was checked as valid the last time its value was changed by the user. This is checked before saving a record, by the view.
Note: this is the responsability of the view to check that required fields have a set value.
function reset(record[, event]) → Deferred
this method is supposed to be called from the outside of field widgets. The typical use case is when an onchange has changed the widget value. It will reset the widget to the values that could have changed, then will rerender the widget.
record (any
event (OdooEvent
) – an event that triggered the reset action. It
is optional, and may be used by a widget to share information from the
moment a field change event is triggered to the moment a reset
operation is applied.
function removeInvalidClass()
Remove the invalid class on a field
function setIDForLabel(id)
Sets the given id on the focusable element of the field and as ‘for’ attribute of potential internal labels.
- id (
)function setInvalidClass()
add the invalid class on a field
function updateModifiersValue(modifiers)
Update the modifiers with the newest value. Now this.attrs.modifiersValue can be used consistantly even with conditional modifiers inside field widgets, and without needing new events or synchronization between the widgets, renderer and controller
- modifiers (
or null) – the updated modifiersclass AbstractFieldOptions()
attribute mode string
should be ‘readonly’ or ‘edit’
module web.Sidebar
class Sidebar(parent, options)
options (SidebarOptions
method updateEnv(env)
Update the env for the sidebar then rerender it.
- env (
)class SidebarOptions()
attribute items Object
attribute sections Object
attribute env Object
attribute actions Object
module web.GroupByMenu
class GroupByMenu(parent, groupbys, fields, options)
parent (Widget
groupbys (Array
>) – list of groupbys (type IGroupBy below)
interface IGroupBy {
itemId: string; unique id associated with the groupby
fieldName: string; field name without interval!
description: string; label printed on screen
groupId: string;
isDate: boolean;
isActive: boolean; (optional) determines if the groupby is considered active
isOpen: boolean; (optional) in case there are options the submenu presenting the options
is opened or closed according to isOpen
isRemovable: boolean; (optional) can be removed from menu
options: array of objects with ‘optionId’ and ‘description’ keys; (optional)
currentOptionId: string refers to an optionId that is activated if item is active (optional)
fields (Object
) – ‘field_get’ of a model: mapping from field name
to an object with its properties
options (GroupByMenuOptions
class GroupByMenuOptions()
attribute headerStyle string
conditions the style of the main button
module web.FiltersMenu
class FiltersMenu(parent, filters, fields)
parent (Widget
filters (Array
>) – list of filters (type IFilter below)
interface IFilter {
itemId: string; unique id associated with the filter
domain: string;
isPeriod: boolean
fieldName: string; fieldName used to generate a domain in case isDate is true (and domain empty)
description: string; label printed on screen
groupId: string;
isActive: boolean; (optional) determines if the filter is considered active
isOpen: boolean; (optional) in case there are options the submenu presenting the options
is opened or closed according to isOpen
isRemovable: boolean; (optional) can be removed from menu
options: array of objects with ‘optionId’ and ‘description’ keys; (optional)
defaultOptionId: string refers to an optionId (optional)
currentOptionId: string refers to an optionId that is activated if item is active (optional)
fields (Object
module web.CalendarController
class CalendarController(parent, model, renderer, params)
parent (Widget
model (AbstractModel
renderer (AbstractRenderer
params (Object
method destroy()
Overrides to unbind handler on the control panel mobile ‘Today’ button.
method renderButtons([$node])
Render the buttons according to the CalendarView.buttons template and add listeners on it. Set this.$buttons with the produced jQuery element
- $node (
) – a jQuery node where the rendered buttons
should be inserted. $node may be undefined, in which case the Calendar
inserts them into this.options.$buttons or into a div of its templatemethod renderPager($node)
In mobile, we want to display a special ‘Today’ button on the bottom right corner of the control panel. This is the pager area, and as there is no pager in Calendar views, we fool the system by defining a fake pager (which is actually our button) such that it will be inserted in the desired place.
- $node (
) – the button should be appended to this
element to be displayed in the bottom right corner of the control panelmodule web_tour.RunningTourActionHelper
class RunningTourActionHelper(tip_widget)
- tip_widget
module web.Session
class Session(parent, origin, options)
parent – The parent of the newly created object. or `null` if the server to contact is the origin server.
options (Dict
) – A dictionary that can contain the following options:
“override_session”: Default to false. If true, the current session object will
not try to re-use a previously created session id stored in a cookie.
“session_id”: Default to null. If specified, the specified session_id will be used
by this session object. Specifying this option automatically implies that the option
“override_session” is set to true.
method session_bind(origin)
Setup a session
- origin
method session_init()
Init a session, reloads from cookie, if it exists
method session_authenticate()
The session is validated by restoration of a previous session
method load_modules()
Load additional web addons of that instance and init them
method session_reload() → $.Deferred
(re)loads the content of a session: db name, username, user id, session context and status of the support contract
method rpc(url, params, options) → jQuery.Deferred
Executes an RPC call, registering the provided callbacks.
Registers a default error callback if none is provided, and handles setting the correct session id and session context in the parameter objects
url (String
) – RPC endpoint
params (Object
) – call parameters
options (Object
) – additional options for rpc call
method getTZOffset(date) → integer
Returns the time zone difference (in minutes) from the current locale (host system settings) to UTC, for a given date. The offset is positive if the local timezone is behind UTC, and negative if it is ahead.
- date (
or moment
) – a valid string date or moment instanceinteger
module web.datepicker
module web.rpc
function query(params, options) → Deferred<any>
Perform a RPC. Please note that this is not the preferred way to do a rpc if you are in the context of a widget. In that case, you should use the this._rpc method.
params (Object
) – @see buildQuery for a description
options (Object
>module web.AbstractWebClient
class AbstractWebClient(parent)
method set_title(title)
Sets the first part of the title of the window, dedicated to the current action.
- title
method do_action()
When do_action is performed on the WebClient, forward it to the main ActionManager This allows to widgets that are not inside the ActionManager to perform do_action
method current_action_updated(action, controller)
Handler to be overridden, called each time the UI is updated by the ActionManager.
action (Object
) – the action of the currently displayed controller
controller (Object
) – the currently displayed controller
module web_editor.context
module web.UserMenu
class UserMenu(parent)
module web.ReportService
class ReportService(parent)
- parent
method checkWkhtmltopdf() → Deferred
Checks the state of the installation of wkhtmltopdf on the server. Implements an internal cache to do the request only once.
module web.KanbanModel
class KanbanModel()
method addRecordToGroup(groupID, resId) → Deferred<string>
Adds a record to a group in the localData, and fetch the record.
groupID (string
) – localID of the group
resId (integer
) – id of the record
>method createGroup(name, parentID) → Deferred<string>
Creates a new group from a name (performs a name_create).
name (string
parentID (string
) – localID of the parent of the group
>method createRecordInGroup(groupID, values) → Deferred
Creates a new record from the given value, and add it to the given group.
groupID (string
values (Object
method get() → Object
Add the following (kanban specific) keys when performing a get
- tooltipData
- progressBarValues
- isGroupedByM2ONoColumn
method getColumn(id) → Object
Same as @see get but getting the parent element whose ID is given.
- id (
method loadColumnRecords(groupID) → Deferred
Opens a given group and loads its <limit> first records
- groupID (
)method loadMore(groupID) → Deferred<string>
Load more records in a group.
- groupID (
) – localID of the groupDeferred
>method moveRecord(recordID, groupID, parentID) → Deferred<string[]>
Moves a record from a group to another.
recordID (string
) – localID of the record
groupID (string
) – localID of the new group of the record
parentID (string
) – localID of the parent
module root.widget
object instance of PublicRootWidget
class PublicRootWidget()
This is the root widget in the frontend bundle when website is not installed.
This widget is important, because the tour manager needs a root widget in order to work. The root widget must be a service provider with the ajax service, so that the tour manager can let the server know when tours have been consumed.
module web.view_dialogs
class FormViewDialog(parent[, options])
parent (Widget
options (FormViewDialogOptions
Create and edit dialog (displays a form view record and leave once saved)
method open() → FormViewDialog
Open the form view dialog. It is necessarily asynchronous, but this method returns immediately.
class FormViewDialogOptions()
attribute parentID string
- the id of the parent record. It is
- useful for situations such as a one2many opened in a form view dialog. In that case, we want to be able to properly evaluate domains with the ‘parent’ key.
attribute res_id integer
the id of the record to open
attribute form_view_options Object
- dict of options to pass to
- the Form View @todo: make it work
attribute fields_view Object
optional form fields_view
attribute readonly boolean
- only applicable when not in
- creation mode
attribute deletable boolean
- whether or not the record can
- be deleted
attribute disable_multiple_selection boolean
- set to true
- to remove the possibility to create several records in a row
attribute on_saved function
- callback executed after saving a
- record. It will be called with the record data, and a boolean which indicates if something was changed
attribute on_remove function
- callback executed when the user
- clicks on the ‘Remove’ button
attribute model BasicModel
- if given, it will be used instead of
- a new form view model
attribute recordID string
- if given, the model has to be given as
- well, and in that case, it will be used without loading anything.
attribute shouldSaveLocally boolean
- if true, the view dialog
- will save locally instead of actually saving (useful for one2manys)
class SelectCreateDialog()
Search dialog (displays a list of records and permits to create a new one by switching to a form view)
class ViewDialog(parent[, options])
parent (Widget
options (ViewDialogOptions
Class with everything which is common between FormViewDialog and SelectCreateDialog.
class ViewDialogOptions()
attribute dialogClass string
attribute res_model string
the model of the record(s) to open
attribute domain any[]
attribute context Object
class SelectCreateDialog()
Search dialog (displays a list of records and permits to create a new one by switching to a form view)
class FormViewDialog(parent[, options])
parent (Widget
options (FormViewDialogOptions
Create and edit dialog (displays a form view record and leave once saved)
method open() → FormViewDialog
Open the form view dialog. It is necessarily asynchronous, but this method returns immediately.
class FormViewDialogOptions()
attribute parentID string
- the id of the parent record. It is
- useful for situations such as a one2many opened in a form view dialog. In that case, we want to be able to properly evaluate domains with the ‘parent’ key.
attribute res_id integer
the id of the record to open
attribute form_view_options Object
- dict of options to pass to
- the Form View @todo: make it work
attribute fields_view Object
optional form fields_view
attribute readonly boolean
- only applicable when not in
- creation mode
attribute deletable boolean
- whether or not the record can
- be deleted
attribute disable_multiple_selection boolean
- set to true
- to remove the possibility to create several records in a row
attribute on_saved function
- callback executed after saving a
- record. It will be called with the record data, and a boolean which indicates if something was changed
attribute on_remove function
- callback executed when the user
- clicks on the ‘Remove’ button
attribute model BasicModel
- if given, it will be used instead of
- a new form view model
attribute recordID string
- if given, the model has to be given as
- well, and in that case, it will be used without loading anything.
attribute shouldSaveLocally boolean
- if true, the view dialog
- will save locally instead of actually saving (useful for one2manys)
module web.QuickCreateFormView
class QuickCreateFormView(viewInfo, params)
module web.FormRenderer
class FormRenderer()
method autofocus() → int | undefined
Focuses the field having attribute ‘default_focus’ set, if any, or the first focusable field otherwise. In read mode, delegate which button to give the focus to, to the form_renderer
or undefinedmethod canBeSaved(recordID) → string[]
Extend the method so that labels also receive the ‘o_field_invalid’ class if necessary.
- recordID (
>method displayTranslationAlert(alertFields)
Show a warning message if the user modified a translated field. For each field, the notification provides a link to edit the field’s translations.
- alertFields (
>) – field listmethod disableButtons()
Disable statusbar buttons and stat buttons so that they can’t be clicked anymore
method enableButtons()
Enable statusbar buttons and stat buttons so they can be clicked again
method focusLastActivatedWidget()
Put the focus on the last activated widget. This function is used when closing a dialog to give the focus back to the form that has opened it and ensures that the focus is in the correct field.
method getLocalState() → Object
returns the active tab pages for each notebook
method resetLastActivatedField()
Reset the tracking of the last activated field. The fast entry with keyboard navigation needs to track the last activated field in order to set the focus.
In particular, when there are changes of mode (e.g. edit -> readonly -> edit), we do not want to auto-set the focus on the previously last activated field. To avoid this issue, this method should be called whenever there is a change of mode.
method setLocalState(state)
restore active tab pages for each notebook
- state (
) – the result from a getLocalState callmodule web.BasicModel
class BasicModel()
method addDefaultRecord(listID[, options]) → Deferred<string>
Add a default record to a list object. This method actually makes a new record with the _makeDefaultRecord method, then adds it to the list object. The default record is added in the data directly. This is meant to be used by list or kanban controllers (i.e. not for x2manys in form views, as in this case, we store changes as commands).
listID (string
) – a valid handle for a list object
options (AddDefaultRecordOptions
>class AddDefaultRecordOptions()
attribute position string
- if the new record should be added
- on top or on bottom of the list
function applyDefaultValues(recordID, values[, options]) → Deferred
Add and process default values for a given record. Those values are parsed and stored in the ‘_changes’ key of the record. For relational fields, sub-dataPoints are created, and missing relational data is fetched. Also generate default values for fields with no given value. Typically, this function is called with the result of a ‘default_get’ RPC, to populate a newly created dataPoint. It may also be called when a one2many subrecord is open in a form view (dialog), to generate the default values for the fields displayed in the o2m form view, but not in the list or kanban (mainly to correctly create sub-dataPoints for relational fields).
recordID (string
) – local id for a record
values (Object
) – dict of default values for the given record
options (ApplyDefaultValuesOptions
class ApplyDefaultValuesOptions()
attribute viewType string
- current viewType. If not set, we will
- assume main viewType from the record
attribute fieldNames Array
- list of field names for which a
- default value must be generated (used to complete the values dict)
function applyRawChanges(recordID, viewType) → Deferred<string>
Onchange RPCs may return values for fields that are not in the current view. Those fields might even be unknown when the onchange returns (e.g. in x2manys, we only know the fields that are used in the inner view, but not those used in the potential form view opened in a dialog when a sub- record is clicked). When this happens, we can’t infer their type, so the given value can’t be processed. It is instead stored in the ‘_rawChanges’ key of the record, without any processing. Later on, if this record is displayed in another view (e.g. the user clicked on it in the x2many list, and the record opens in a dialog), those changes that were left behind must be applied. This function applies changes stored in ‘_rawChanges’ for a given viewType.
recordID (string
) – local resource id of a record
viewType (string
) – the current viewType
>function deleteRecords(recordIds, modelName) → Deferred
Delete a list of records, then, if the records have a parent, reload it.
recordIds (Array
>) – list of local resources ids. They should all
be of type ‘record’, be of the same model and have the same parent.
modelName (string
) – mode name used to unlink the records
function discardChanges(id[, options])
Discard all changes in a local resource. Basically, it removes everything that was stored in a _changes key.
id (string
) – local resource id
options (DiscardChangesOptions
class DiscardChangesOptions()
attribute rollback boolean
- if true, the changes will
- be reset to the last _savePoint, otherwise, they are reset to null
function duplicateRecord(recordID) → Deferred<string>
Duplicate a record (by calling the ‘copy’ route)
- recordID (
) – id for a local resourceDeferred
>function get(id, options) → Object
The get method first argument is the handle returned by the load method. It is optional (the handle can be undefined). In some case, it makes sense to use the handle as a key, for example the BasicModel holds the data for various records, each with its local ID.
synchronous method, it assumes that the resource has already been loaded.
id (string
) – local id for the resource
options (GetOptions
class GetOptions()
attribute env boolean
- if true, will only return res_id
- (if record) or res_ids (if list)
attribute raw boolean
if true, will not follow relations
function getName(id) → string
Returns the current display_name for the record.
- id (
) – the localID for a valid record elementstring
function canBeAbandoned(id) → boolean
Returns true if a record can be abandoned.
Case for not abandoning the record:
- flagged as ‘no abandon’ (i.e. during a
, including anyonchange
from adefault_get
) registered in a list on addition
2.1. registered as non-new addition 2.2. registered as new additon on update
- record is not new
Otherwise, the record can be abandoned.
This is useful when discarding changes on this record, as it means that we must keep the record even if some fields are invalids (e.g. required field is empty).
- id (
) – id for a local resourceboolean
function isDirty(id) → boolean
Returns true if a record is dirty. A record is considered dirty if it has some unsaved changes, marked by the _isDirty property on the record or one of its subrecords.
- id (
) – the local resource idboolean
function isNew(id) → boolean
Check if a localData is new, meaning if it is in the process of being created and no actual record exists in db. Note: if the localData is not of the “record” type, then it is always considered as not new.
Note: A virtual id is a character string composed of an integer and has a dash and other information. E.g: in calendar, the recursive event have virtual id linked to a real id virtual event id “23-20170418020000” is linked to the event id 23
- id (
) – id for a local resourceboolean
function load(params) → Deferred<string>
Main entry point, the goal of this method is to fetch and process all data (following relations if necessary) for a given record/list.
class LoadParams()
attribute fieldsInfo Object
contains the fieldInfo of each field
attribute fields Object
contains the description of each field
attribute type string
‘record’ or ‘list’
attribute recordID string
an ID for an existing resource.
function makeRecord(model, fields[, fieldInfo]) → string
This helper method is designed to help developpers that want to use a field widget outside of a view. In that case, we want a way to create data without actually performing a fetch.
model (string
) – name of the model
fields (Array
>) – a description of field properties
fieldInfo (Object
) – various field info that we want to set
function notifyChanges(record_id, changes[, options]) → string[]
This is an extremely important method. All changes in any field go through this method. It will then apply them in the local state, check if onchanges needs to be applied, actually do them if necessary, then resolves with the list of changed fields.
record_id (string
changes (Object
) – a map field => new value
options (Object
) – will be transferred to the applyChange method
>function reload(id[, options]) → Deferred<string>
Reload all data for a given resource. At any time there is at most one reload operation active.
id (string
) – local id for a resource
options (ReloadOptions
>class ReloadOptions()
attribute keepChanges boolean
- if true, doesn’t discard the
- changes on the record before reloading it
function removeLine(elementID)
In some case, we may need to remove an element from a list, without going through the notifyChanges machinery. The motivation for this is when the user click on ‘Add a line’ in a field one2many with a required field, then clicks somewhere else. The new line need to be discarded, but we don’t want to trigger a real notifyChanges (no need for that, and also, we don’t want to rerender the UI).
- elementID (
) – some valid element id. It is necessary that the
corresponding element has a parent.function resequence(modelName, resIDs, parentID[, options]) → Deferred<string>
Resequences records.
modelName (string
) – the resIDs model
resIDs (Array
>) – the new sequence of ids
parentID (string
) – the localID of the parent
options (ResequenceOptions
>class ResequenceOptions()
attribute offset integer
attribute field string
the field name used as sequence
function save(recordID[, options]) → Deferred
Save a local resource, if needed. This is a complicated operation, - it needs to check all changes, - generate commands for x2many fields, - call the /create or /write method according to the record status - After that, it has to reload all data, in case something changed, server side.
recordID (string
) – local resource
options (SaveOptions
class SaveOptions()
attribute reload boolean
if true, data will be reloaded
attribute savePoint boolean
- if true, the record will only
- be ‘locally’ saved: its changes written in a _savePoint key that can be restored later by call discardChanges with option rollback to true
attribute viewType string
- current viewType. If not set, we will
- assume main viewType from the record
function addFieldsInfo(recordID, viewInfo)
Completes the fields and fieldsInfo of a dataPoint with the given ones. It is useful for the cases where a record element is shared between various views, such as a one2many with a tree and a form view.
recordID (string
) – a valid element ID
viewInfo (AddFieldsInfoViewInfo
class AddFieldsInfoViewInfo()
attribute fields Object
attribute fieldsInfo Object
function freezeOrder(listID)
For list resources, this freezes the current records order.
- listID (
) – a valid element ID of type listfunction setDirty(id)
Manually sets a resource as dirty. This is used to notify that a field has been modified, but with an invalid value. In that case, the value is not sent to the basic model, but the record should still be flagged as dirty so that it isn’t discarded without any warning.
- id (
) – a resource idfunction setSort(list_id, fieldName) → Deferred
For list resources, this changes the orderedBy key.
list_id (string
) – id for the list resource
fieldName (string
) – valid field name
function toggleActive(recordIDs, value, parentID) → Deferred<string>
Toggle the active value of given records (to archive/unarchive them)
recordIDs (Array
) – local ids of the records to (un)archive
value (boolean
) – false to archive, true to unarchive (value of the active field)
parentID (string
) – id of the parent resource to reload
>function toggleGroup(groupId) → Deferred<string>
Toggle (open/close) a group in a grouped list, then fetches relevant data
function unfreezeOrder(elementID)
For a list datapoint, unfreezes the current records order and sorts it. For a record datapoint, unfreezes the x2many list datapoints.
- elementID (
) – a valid element IDmodule web_tour.TourManager
class (parent, consumed_tours)
function register(name, [options, ]steps)
Registers a tour described by the following arguments in order
name (string
) – tour’s name
options (RegisterOptions
) – options (optional), available options are:
steps (Array
>) – steps’ descriptions, each step being an object
containing a tip description
class RegisterOptions()
options (optional), available options are:
attribute test boolean
true if this is only for tests
attribute skip_enabled boolean
true to add a link in its tips to consume the whole tour
attribute url string
the url to load when manually running the tour
attribute rainbowMan boolean
whether or not the rainbowman must be shown at the end of the tour
attribute wait_for Deferred
indicates when the tour can be started
function update(tour_name)
Checks for tooltips to activate (only from the running tour or specified tour if there is one, from all active tours otherwise). Should be called each time the DOM changes.
- tour_name
namespace STEPS
Tour predefined steps
module web.Bus
class Bus(parent)
Event Bus used to bind events scoped in the current instance
module web.BasicRenderer
class BasicRenderer(parent, state, params)
method canBeSaved(recordID) → string[]
This method has two responsabilities: find every invalid fields in the current view, and making sure that they are displayed as invalid, by toggling the o_form_invalid css class. It has to be done both on the widget, and on the label, if any.
- recordID (
>method commitChanges(recordID) → Deferred
Calls ‘commitChanges’ on all field widgets, so that they can notify the environment with their current value (useful for widgets that can’t detect when their value changes or that have to validate their changes before notifying them).
- recordID (
)method confirmChange(state, id, fields, ev) → Deferred<AbstractField[]>
Updates the internal state of the renderer to the new state. By default, this also implements the recomputation of the modifiers and their application to the DOM and the reset of the field widgets if needed.
In case the given record is not found anymore, a whole re-rendering is completed (possible if a change in a record caused an onchange which erased the current record).
We could always rerender the view from scratch, but then it would not be as efficient, and we might lose some local state, such as the input focus cursor, or the scrolling position.
state (Object
id (string
fields (Array
ev (OdooEvent
method focusField(id, fieldName, offset)
Activates the widget and move the cursor to the given offset
id (string
fieldName (string
offset (integer
module web.ActionManager
class ActionManager(parent[, userContext])
userContext={} (Object
method on_attach_callback()
Called each time the action manager is attached into the DOM.
method on_detach_callback()
Called each time the action manager is detached from the DOM.
method clearUncommittedChanges() → Deferred
This function is called when the current controller is about to be removed from the DOM, because a new one will be pushed, or an old one will be restored. It ensures that the current controller can be left (for instance, that it has no unsaved changes).
method doAction(action[, options]) → $.Deferred<Object>
This is the entry point to execute Odoo actions, given as an ID in database, an xml ID, a client action tag or an action descriptor.
action (number
or string
or Object
) – the action to execute
options (DoActionOptions
>class DoActionOptions()
attribute additional_context Object
- additional context to be
- merged with the action’s context.
attribute clear_breadcrumbs boolean
- set to true to clear
- the breadcrumbs history list
attribute on_close Function
- callback to be executed when the
- current action is active again (typically, if the new action is executed in target=”new”, on_close will be executed when the dialog is closed, if the current controller is still active)
attribute on_reverse_breadcrumb Function
- callback to be executed
- whenever an anterior breadcrumb item is clicked on
attribute pushState boolean
- set to false to prevent the
- ActionManager from pushing the state when the action is executed (this is useful when we come from a loadState())
attribute replace_last_action boolean
- set to true to
- replace last part of the breadcrumbs with the action
function do_push_state(state)
Compatibility with client actions that are still using do_push_state.
- state (
)function getCurrentAction() → Object|null
Returns the action of the last controller in the controllerStack, i.e. the action of the currently displayed controller in the main window (not in a dialog), and null if there is no controller in the stack.
or nullfunction getCurrentController() → Object|null
Returns the last controller in the controllerStack, i.e. the currently displayed controller in the main window (not in a dialog), and null if there is no controller in the stack.
or nullfunction loadState(state)
Overrides to handle the case where an ‘ir.actions.act_window’ has to be loaded.
- state (
)class LoadStateState()
attribute action integer|string
- the ID or xml ID of the action to
- execute
attribute active_id integer
attribute active_ids string
attribute id integer
attribute view_id integer
attribute view_type string
function getCurrentActionInDialog() → Object|null
Returns the action of the controller currently opened in a dialog, i.e. a target=’new’ action, if any.
or nullfunction getCurrentControllerInDialog() → Object|null
Returns the controller currently opened in a dialog, if any.
or nullmodule web.colorpicker
class Colorpicker(parent[, options])
parent (Widget
options (ColorpickerOptions
method convertHexToRgb(hex) → Object|false
Converts Hexadecimal code to RGB.
- hex (
) – hexadecimal codeObject
or falsemethod convertRgbToHsl(r, g, b) → Object|false
Converts RGB color to HSL.
r (integer
g (integer
b (integer
or falsemethod convertHslToRgb(h, s, l) → Object|false
Converts HSL color to RGB.
h (integer
s (integer
l (integer
or falsemethod convertRgbToHex(r, g, b) → Object|false
Converts RGB color to Hexadecimal code.
r (integer
g (integer
b (integer
or falseclass ColorpickerOptions()
attribute defaultColor string
function serialize_sort(criterion) → String
Serializes the sort criterion array of a dataset into a form which can be consumed by OpenERP’s RPC APIs.
- criterion (
) – array of fields, from first to last criteria, prefixed with ‘-‘ for reverse sortingString
namespace data
function deserialize_sort(criterion)
Reverse of the serialize_sort function: convert an array of SQL-like sort descriptors into a list of fields prefixed with ‘-‘ if necessary.
- criterion
module web.GroupByMenuInterfaceMixin
mixin GroupByMenuInterfaceMixin
The aim of this mixin is to facilitate the interaction between a view controller and a dropdown menu with its control panel TO DO: the pivot subview has two types of groupbys so that it will not understand the current implementation of this mixin
mixin GroupByMenuInterfaceMixin
The aim of this mixin is to facilitate the interaction between a view controller and a dropdown menu with its control panel TO DO: the pivot subview has two types of groupbys so that it will not understand the current implementation of this mixin
module web.contentdisposition
Stripped down to only parsing/decoding.
function parse(string) → ContentDisposition
Parse Content-Disposition header string.
- string (
)function ContentDisposition(type, parameters)
Class for parsed Content-Disposition header for v8 optimization
type (string
parameters (object
function parse(string) → ContentDisposition
Parse Content-Disposition header string.
- string (
)module web.FormController
class FormController(parent, model, renderer, params)
params (FormControllerParams
method willRestore()
Force mode back to readonly. Whenever we leave a form view, it is saved, and should no longer be in edit mode.
method autofocus()
Calls autofocus on the renderer
method createRecord([parentID]) → Deferred
This method switches the form view in edit mode, with a new record.
- parentID (
) – if given, the parentID will be used as parent
for the new record.method getSelectedIds() → number[]
Returns the current res_id, wrapped in a list. This is only used by the sidebar (and the debugmanager)
>method on_attach_callback()
Called each time the form view is attached into the DOM
method renderButtons($node)
Render buttons for the control panel. The form view can be rendered in a dialog, and in that case, if we have buttons defined in the footer, we have to use them instead of the standard buttons.
- $node (
)method renderPager($node, options)
The form view has to prevent a click on the pager if the form is dirty
$node (jQueryElement
options (Object
method renderSidebar([$node])
Instantiate and render the sidebar if a sidebar is requested Sets this.sidebar
- $node (
) – a jQuery node where the sidebar should be
insertedmethod saveRecord()
Show a warning message if the user modified a translated field. For each field, the notification provides a link to edit the field’s translations.
method update(params, options)
Overrides to force the viewType to ‘form’, so that we ensure that the correct fields are reloaded (this is only useful for one2many form views).
class FormControllerParams()
attribute hasSidebar boolean
attribute toolbarActions Object
module web.AbstractView
class AbstractView(viewInfo, params)
viewInfo (AbstractViewViewInfo
params (AbstractViewParams
method getController(parent) → Deferred
Main method of the view class. Create a controller, and make sure that data and libraries are loaded.
There is a unusual thing going in this method with parents: we create renderer/model with parent as parent, then we have to reassign them at the end to make sure that we have the proper relationships. This is necessary to solve the problem that the controller need the model and the renderer to be instantiated, but the model need a parent to be able to load itself, and the renderer needs the data in its constructor.
method getModel(parent) → Object
Returns the view model or create an instance of it if none
- parent (
) – the parent of the model, if it has to be createdObject
method getRenderer(parent, state) → Object
Returns the a new view renderer instance
parent (Widget
) – the parent of the model, if it has to be created
state (Object
) – the information related to the rendered view
method setController(Controller)
this is useful to customize the actual class to use before calling createView.
- Controller (
)class AbstractViewViewInfo()
attribute arch Object
attribute fields Object
attribute fieldsInfo Object
class AbstractViewParams()
attribute modelName string
The actual model name
attribute context Object
attribute count number
attribute controllerID string
attribute domain string[]
attribute timeRange string[][]
attribute comparisonTimeRange string[][]
attribute timeRangeDescription string
attribute comparisonTimeRangeDescription string
attribute compare boolean
attribute groupBy string[]
attribute currentId number
attribute isEmbedded boolean
attribute ids number[]
attribute withControlPanel boolean
attribute action.flags.headless boolean
attribute action.display_name string
attribute string
attribute string
attribute action.jsID string
attribute action.views boolean
module web.GraphRenderer
class (parent, state, params)
function on_attach_callback()
The graph view uses the nv(d3) lib to render the graph. This lib requires that the rendering is done directly into the DOM (so that it can correctly compute positions). However, the views are always rendered in fragments, and appended to the DOM once ready (to prevent them from flickering). We here use the on_attach_callback hook, called when the widget is attached to the DOM, to perform the rendering. This ensures that the rendering is always done in the DOM.
class Params()
attribute stacked boolean
module web_editor.widget
class Dialog(parent, options)
Extend Dialog class to handle save/cancel of edition components.
method save()
Called when the dialog is saved. Set the destroy action type to “save” and should set the final_data variable correctly before closing.
class AltDialog(parent, options, $editable, media)
Let users change the alt & title of a media.
class MediaDialog(parent, options, $editable, media)
MediaDialog widget. Lets users change a media, including uploading a new image, font awsome or video and can change a media into an other media.
class LinkDialog(parent, options, editable, linkInfo)
Allows to customize link content and style.
class CropImageDialog(parent, options, $editable, media)
CropImageDialog widget. Let users crop an image.
method save()
Updates the DOM image with cropped data and associates required information for a potential future save (where required cropped data attachments will be created).
class ImageWidget(parent, media, options)
Let users choose an image, including uploading a new image in odoo.
class Dialog(parent, options)
Extend Dialog class to handle save/cancel of edition components.
method save()
Called when the dialog is saved. Set the destroy action type to “save” and should set the final_data variable correctly before closing.
class LinkDialog(parent, options, editable, linkInfo)
Allows to customize link content and style.
class IconWidget(parent, media)
Let users choose a font awesome icon, support all font awesome loaded in the css files.
class ImageWidget(parent, media, options)
Let users choose an image, including uploading a new image in odoo.
class MediaDialog(parent, options, $editable, media)
MediaDialog widget. Lets users change a media, including uploading a new image, font awsome or video and can change a media into an other media.
class AltDialog(parent, options, $editable, media)
Let users change the alt & title of a media.
class VideoWidget(parent, media)
Let users choose a video, support all summernote video, and embed iframe.
class CropImageDialog(parent, options, $editable, media)
CropImageDialog widget. Let users crop an image.
method save()
Updates the DOM image with cropped data and associates required information for a potential future save (where required cropped data attachments will be created).
module web.QWeb
function QWeb(debug, default_dict[, enableTranslation])
debug (boolean
default_dict (Object
enableTranslation=true (boolean
) – if true (this is the default),
the rendering will translate all strings that are not marked with
t-translation=off. This is useful for the kanban view, which uses a
template which is already translated by the server
module web.collections
class Tree(data)
- data (
) – the data associated to the root nodeAllows to build a tree representation of a data.
method getData() → *
Returns the root’s associated data.
method addChild(tree)
Adds a child tree.
- tree (
)class Tree(data)
- data (
) – the data associated to the root nodeAllows to build a tree representation of a data.
method getData() → *
Returns the root’s associated data.
method addChild(tree)
Adds a child tree.
- tree (
)module web.basic_fields
class FieldDomain()
The “Domain” field allows the user to construct a technical-prefix domain thanks to a tree-like interface and see the selected records in real time. In debug mode, an input is also there to be able to enter the prefix char domain directly (or to build advanced domains the tree-like interface does not allow to).
attribute specialData String
Fetches the number of records which are matched by the domain (if the domain is not server-valid, the value is false) and the model the field must work with.
method isSet()
A domain field is always set since the false value is considered to be equal to “[]” (match all records).
class FieldFloatToggle()
The goal of this widget is to replace the input field by a button containing a range of possible values (given in the options). Each click allows the user to loop in the range. The purpose here is to restrict the field value to a predefined selection. Also, the widget support the factor conversion as the float_factor widget (Range values should be the result of the conversion).
class FieldProgressBar()
Node options:
- title: title of the bar, displayed on top of the bar options
- editable: boolean if value is editable
- current_value: get the current_value from the field that must be present in the view
- max_value: get the max_value from the field that must be present in the view
- edit_max_value: boolean if the max_value is editable
- title: title of the bar, displayed on top of the bar –> not translated, use parameter “title” instead
class FieldToggleBoolean(parent, name, record[, options])
parent (Widget
name (string
) – The field name defined in the model
record (Object
) – A record object (result of the get method of
a basic model)
options (FieldToggleBooleanOptions
This widget is intended to be used on boolean fields. It toggles a button switching between a green bullet / gray bullet.
method isSet()
A boolean field is always set since false is a valid value.
class FieldToggleBooleanOptions()
attribute mode string
should be ‘readonly’ or ‘edit’
class HandleWidget(parent, name, record[, options])
parent (Widget
name (string
) – The field name defined in the model
record (Object
) – A record object (result of the get method of
a basic model)
options (HandleWidgetOptions
Displays a handle to modify the sequence.
class HandleWidgetOptions()
attribute mode string
should be ‘readonly’ or ‘edit’
class AceEditor()
This widget is intended to be used on Text fields. It will provide Ace Editor for editing XML and Python.
class AceEditor()
This widget is intended to be used on Text fields. It will provide Ace Editor for editing XML and Python.
class FieldFloatToggle()
The goal of this widget is to replace the input field by a button containing a range of possible values (given in the options). Each click allows the user to loop in the range. The purpose here is to restrict the field value to a predefined selection. Also, the widget support the factor conversion as the float_factor widget (Range values should be the result of the conversion).
class FieldDomain()
The “Domain” field allows the user to construct a technical-prefix domain thanks to a tree-like interface and see the selected records in real time. In debug mode, an input is also there to be able to enter the prefix char domain directly (or to build advanced domains the tree-like interface does not allow to).
attribute specialData String
Fetches the number of records which are matched by the domain (if the domain is not server-valid, the value is false) and the model the field must work with.
method isSet()
A domain field is always set since the false value is considered to be equal to “[]” (match all records).
class FieldProgressBar()
Node options:
- title: title of the bar, displayed on top of the bar options
- editable: boolean if value is editable
- current_value: get the current_value from the field that must be present in the view
- max_value: get the max_value from the field that must be present in the view
- edit_max_value: boolean if the max_value is editable
- title: title of the bar, displayed on top of the bar –> not translated, use parameter “title” instead
class HandleWidget(parent, name, record[, options])
parent (Widget
name (string
) – The field name defined in the model
record (Object
) – A record object (result of the get method of
a basic model)
options (HandleWidgetOptions
Displays a handle to modify the sequence.
class HandleWidgetOptions()
attribute mode string
should be ‘readonly’ or ‘edit’
class FieldToggleBoolean(parent, name, record[, options])
parent (Widget
name (string
) – The field name defined in the model
record (Object
) – A record object (result of the get method of
a basic model)
options (FieldToggleBooleanOptions
This widget is intended to be used on boolean fields. It toggles a button switching between a green bullet / gray bullet.
method isSet()
A boolean field is always set since false is a valid value.
class FieldToggleBooleanOptions()
attribute mode string
should be ‘readonly’ or ‘edit’
module web.DomainSelectorDialog
class DomainSelectorDialog(parent, model, domain, options)
module web.data_manager
object data_manager instance of
module web.kanban_record_quick_create
class RecordQuickCreate(parent, options)
parent (Widget
options (RecordQuickCreateOptions
method willStart()
Loads the form fieldsView (if not provided), instantiates the form view and starts the form controller.
method on_attach_callback()
Called when the quick create is appended into the DOM.
class RecordQuickCreateOptions()
attribute context Object
attribute formViewRef string|null
attribute model string
module web.DomainSelector
class DomainSelector(parent, model, domain)
The DomainSelector widget can be used to build prefix char domain. It is the DomainTree specialization to use to have a fully working widget.
Known limitations:
- Some operators like “child_of”, “parent_of”, “like”, “not like”, “=like”, “=ilike” will come only if you use them from demo data or debug input.
- Some kind of domain can not be build right now e.g (“country_id”, “in”, [1,2,3]) but you can insert from debug input.
method setDomain(domain) → Deferred
Changes the internal domain value and forces a reparsing and rerendering. If the internal domain value was already equal to the given one, this does nothing.
class DomainNode(parent, model, domain[, options])
parent (Object
model (string
) – the model name
domain (Array
or string
) – the prefix representation of the domain
options (DomainNodeOptions
) – an object with possible values:
Abstraction for widgets which can represent and allow edition of a domain.
method isValid() → boolean
Should return if the node is representing a well-formed domain, whose field chains properly belong to the associated model.
method getDomain() → Array
Should return the prefix domain the widget is currently representing (an array).
class DomainNodeOptions()
an object with possible values:
attribute readonly boolean
true if is readonly
attribute default Array
- default domain used when creating a
- new node
attribute operators string[]
a list of available operators (null = all of supported ones)
attribute debugMode boolean
true if should be in debug
class DomainLeaf(parent, model, domain, options)
DomainNode which handles a domain which cannot be split in another subdomains, i.e. composed of a field chain, an operator and a value.
method willStart() → Deferred
Prepares the information the rendering of the widget will need by pre-instantiating its internal field selector widget.
function instantiateNode(parent, model, domain, options) → DomainTree|DomainLeaf|null
Instantiates a DomainTree if the given domain contains several parts and a DomainLeaf if it only contains one part. Returns null otherwise.
parent (Object
model (string
) – the model name
domain (Array
or string
) – the prefix representation of the domain
options (Object
) – @see DomainNode.init.options
or DomainLeaf
or nullclass DomainSelector(parent, model, domain)
The DomainSelector widget can be used to build prefix char domain. It is the DomainTree specialization to use to have a fully working widget.
Known limitations:
- Some operators like “child_of”, “parent_of”, “like”, “not like”, “=like”, “=ilike” will come only if you use them from demo data or debug input.
- Some kind of domain can not be build right now e.g (“country_id”, “in”, [1,2,3]) but you can insert from debug input.
method setDomain(domain) → Deferred
Changes the internal domain value and forces a reparsing and rerendering. If the internal domain value was already equal to the given one, this does nothing.
class DomainTree(parent, model, domain)
DomainNode which can handle subdomains (a domain which is composed of multiple parts). It thus will be composed of other DomainTree instances and/or leaf parts of a domain (@see DomainLeaf).
module web.kanban_examples_registry
object instance of Registry
module web_editor.backend
class FieldTextHtmlSimple()
- TranslatableFieldMixin
FieldTextHtmlSimple Widget Intended to display HTML content. This widget uses the summernote editor improved by odoo.
method commitChanges()
Summernote doesn’t notify for changes done in code mode. We override commitChanges to manually switch back to normal mode before committing changes, so that the widget is aware of the changes done in code mode.
method reset(record, event)
Do not re-render this field if it was the origin of the onchange call.
class FieldTextHtmlSimple()
- TranslatableFieldMixin
FieldTextHtmlSimple Widget Intended to display HTML content. This widget uses the summernote editor improved by odoo.
method commitChanges()
Summernote doesn’t notify for changes done in code mode. We override commitChanges to manually switch back to normal mode before committing changes, so that the widget is aware of the changes done in code mode.
method reset(record, event)
Do not re-render this field if it was the origin of the onchange call.
module web.KanbanColumnProgressBar
class KanbanColumnProgressBar(parent, options, columnState)
attribute ANIMATE boolean
Allows to disable animations for tests.
module web.ServicesMixin
mixin ServicesMixin
function do_action(action, options) → Deferred
Informs the action manager to do an action. This supposes that the action manager can be found amongst the ancestors of the current widget. If that’s not the case this method will simply return an unresolved deferred.
action (any
options (any
module web.Menu
class Menu(parent, menu_data)
method action_id_to_primary_menu_id(action_id)
Helpers used by web_client in order to restore the state from an url (by restore, read re-synchronize menu and action manager)
- action_id
method getCurrentPrimaryMenu() → integer
Returns the id of the current primary (first level) menu.
method openFirstApp()
Open the first app
module web.BasicView
class BasicView(viewInfo, params)
viewInfo (Object
params (Object
module web.concurrency
function asyncWhen() → Deferred
The jquery implementation for $.when has a (most of the time) useful property: it is synchronous, if the deferred is resolved immediately.
This means that when we execute $.when(def), then all registered callbacks will be executed before the next line is executed. This is useful quite often, but in some rare cases, we might want to force an async behavior. This is the purpose of this function, which simply adds a setTimeout before resolving the deferred.
function delay([wait]) → Deferred
Returns a deferred resolved after ‘wait’ milliseconds
- wait=0 (
) – the delay in msclass DropMisordered([failMisordered])
- failMisordered=false (
) – whether mis-ordered responses
should be failed or just ignoredThe DropMisordered abstraction is useful for situations where you have a sequence of operations that you want to do, but if one of them completes after a subsequent operation, then its result is obsolete and should be ignored.
Note that is is kind of similar to the DropPrevious abstraction, but subtly different. The DropMisordered operations will all resolves if they complete in the correct order.
method add(deferred) → Deferred
Adds a deferred (usually an async request) to the sequencer
class DropPrevious()
The DropPrevious abstraction is useful when you have a sequence of operations that you want to execute, but you only care of the result of the last operation.
For example, let us say that we have a _fetch method on a widget which fetches data. We want to rerender the widget after. We could do this:
this._fetch().then(function (result) {
self.state = result;
Now, we have at least two problems:
- if this code is called twice and the second _fetch completes before the first, the end state will be the result of the first _fetch, which is not what we expect
- in any cases, the user interface will rerender twice, which is bad.
Now, if we have a DropPrevious:
this.dropPrevious = new DropPrevious();
Then we can wrap the _fetch in a DropPrevious and have the expected result:
.then(function (result) {
self.state = result;
method add(deferred) → Promise
Registers a new deferred and rejects the previous one
- deferred (
) – the new deferredPromise
class Mutex()
A (Odoo) mutex is a primitive for serializing computations. This is useful to avoid a situation where two computations modify some shared state and cause some corrupted state.
Imagine that we have a function to fetch some data _load(), which returns a deferred which resolves to something useful. Now, we have some code looking like this:
return this._load().then(function (result) {
this.state = result;
If this code is run twice, but the second execution ends before the first, then the final state will be the result of the first call to _load. However, if we have a mutex:
this.mutex = new Mutex();
and if we wrap the calls to _load in a mutex:
return this.mutex.exec(function() {
return this._load().then(function (result) {
this.state = result;
Then, it is guaranteed that the final state will be the result of the second execution.
A Mutex has to be a class, and not a function, because we have to keep track of some internal state.
method exec(action) → Deferred
Add a computation to the queue, it will be executed as soon as the previous computations are completed.
- action (
) – a function which may return a deferredclass MutexedDropPrevious()
A MutexedDropPrevious is a primitive for serializing computations while skipping the ones that where executed between a current one and before the execution of a new one. This is useful to avoid useless RPCs.
You can read the Mutex description to understand its role ; for the DropPrevious part of this abstraction, imagine the following situation: you have a code that call the server with a fixed argument and a list of operations that only grows after each call and you only care about the RPC result (the server code doesn’t do anything). If this code is called three times (A B C) and C is executed before B has started, it’s useless to make an extra RPC (B) if you know that it won’t have an impact and you won’t use its result.
Note that the promise returned by the exec call won’t be resolved if exec is called before the first exec call resolution ; only the promise returned by the last exec call will be resolved (the other are rejected);
A MutexedDropPrevious has to be a class, and not a function, because we have to keep track of some internal state. The exec function takes as argument an action (and not a deferred as DropPrevious for example) because it’s the MutexedDropPrevious role to trigger the RPC call that returns a deferred when it’s time.
function rejectAfter([target_def][, reference_def]) → Deferred
Rejects a deferred as soon as a reference deferred is either resolved or rejected
module web.clickEverywhere
function startClickEverywhere()
module web.PivotRenderer
class PivotRenderer(parent, state, params)
parent (Widget
state (Object
params (Object
module web.ChangePassword
- web.AbstractAction
- web.Dialog
- web.core
- web.web_client
class ChangePassword(parent)
- parent (
or null) – Binds the current instance to the given Widget
instance. When that widget is destroyed by calling destroy(), the
current instance will be destroyed too. Can be null.module web.field_utils
function formatInteger(value[, field][, options]) → string
Returns a string representing an integer. If the value is false, then we return an empty string.
value (integer
or false)
field (Object
) – a description of the field (note: this parameter is ignored)
options (FormatIntegerOptions
) – additional options
class FormatIntegerOptions()
additional options
attribute isPassword boolean
if true, returns ‘****’
attribute humanReadable function
- if returns true,
- formatFloat acts like utils.human_number
function parsePercentage(value) → float
Parse a String containing a percentage and convert it to float. The percentage can be a regular xx.xx float or a xx%.
- value (
) – The string to be parsedfloat
function formatDate(value[, field][, options]) → string
Returns a string representing a date. If the value is false, then we return an empty string. Note that this is dependant on the localization settings
value (Moment
or false)
field (Object
) – a description of the field (note: this parameter is ignored)
options (FormatDateOptions
) – additional options
class FormatDateOptions()
additional options
attribute timezone boolean
- use the user timezone when formating the
- date
function formatPercentage(value[, field][, options]) → string
Returns a string representing the given value (multiplied by 100) concatenated with ‘%’.
value (number
or false)
field (Object
options (FormatPercentageOptions
class FormatPercentageOptions()
attribute humanReadable function
if returns true, parsing is avoided
function formatBinary([value][, field][, options]) → string
Convert binary to bin_size
value (string
) – base64 representation of the binary (might be already a bin_size!)
field (Object
) – a description of the field (note: this parameter is ignored)
options (Object
) – additional options (note: this parameter is ignored)
function parseInteger(value) → integer
Parse a String containing integer with language formating
- value (
) – The string to be parsed with the setting of thousands and
decimal separatorinteger
function parseMany2one(value) → Object
Creates an object with id and display_name.
- value (
or number
or string
or Object
) – The given value can be :
- an array with id as first element and display_name as second element
- a number or a string representing the id (the display_name will be
returned as undefined)
- an object, simply returned untouchedObject
function parseNumber(value) → float|NaN
Parse a String containing number in language formating
- value (
) – The string to be parsed with the setting of thousands and
decimal separatorfloat
or NaN
function parseDateTime(value[, field][, options]) → Moment|false
Create an Date object The method toJSON return the formated value to send value server side
value (string
field (Object
) – a description of the field (note: this parameter is ignored)
options (ParseDateTimeOptions
) – additional options
or falseclass ParseDateTimeOptions()
additional options
attribute isUTC boolean
the formatted date is utc
attribute timezone boolean
- format the date after apply the timezone
- offset
function formatChar(value[, field][, options]) → string
Returns a string representing a char. If the value is false, then we return an empty string.
value (string
or false)
field (Object
) – a description of the field (note: this parameter is ignored)
options (FormatCharOptions
) – additional options
class FormatCharOptions()
additional options
attribute escape boolean
if true, escapes the formatted value
attribute isPassword boolean
- if true, returns ‘****’
- instead of the formatted value
function formatFloatTime(value) → string
Returns a string representing a time value, from a float. The idea is that we sometimes want to display something like 1:45 instead of 1.75, or 0:15 instead of 0.25.
- value (
function parseFloatFactor(value, field, options)
Parse a String containing float and unconvert it with a conversion factor
options (ParseFloatFactorOptions
class ParseFloatFactorOptions()
attribute factor number
Conversion factor, default value is 1.0
function formatFloat(value[, field][, options]) → string
Returns a string representing a float. The result takes into account the user settings (to display the correct decimal separator).
value (float
or false) – the value that should be formatted
field (Object
) – a description of the field (returned by fields_get
for example). It may contain a description of the number of digits that
should be used.
options (FormatFloatOptions
) – additional options to override the values in the
python description of the field.
class FormatFloatOptions()
- additional options to override the values in the
- python description of the field.
attribute digits integer[]
- the number of digits that should be used,
- instead of the default digits precision in the field.
attribute humanReadable function
- if returns true,
- formatFloat acts like utils.human_number
function formatMonetary(value[, field][, options]) → string
Returns a string representing a monetary value. The result takes into account the user settings (to display the correct decimal separator, currency, …).
value (float
or false) – the value that should be formatted
field (Object
) – a description of the field (returned by fields_get for example). It
may contain a description of the number of digits that should be used.
options (FormatMonetaryOptions
) – additional options to override the values in the python description of
the field.
class FormatMonetaryOptions()
- additional options to override the values in the python description of
- the field.
attribute currency Object
the description of the currency to use
attribute currency_id integer
the id of the ‘res.currency’ to use (ignored if options.currency)
attribute currency_field string
- the name of the field whose value is the currency id
- (ignore if options.currency or options.currency_id) Note: if not given it will default to the field currency_field value or to ‘currency_id’.
attribute data Object
- a mapping of field name to field value, required with
- options.currency_field
attribute digits integer[]
- the number of digits that should be used, instead of the default
- digits precision in the field. Note: if the currency defines a precision, the currency’s one is used.
function parseDate(value[, field][, options]) → Moment|false
Create an Date object The method toJSON return the formated value to send value server side
value (string
field (Object
) – a description of the field (note: this parameter is ignored)
options (ParseDateOptions
) – additional options
or falseclass ParseDateOptions()
additional options
attribute isUTC boolean
the formatted date is utc
attribute timezone boolean
- format the date after apply the timezone
- offset
function parseMonetary(value[, field][, options]) → float
Parse a String containing currency symbol and returns amount
value (string
) – The string to be parsed
We assume that a monetary is always a pair (symbol, amount) separated
by a non breaking space. A simple float can also be accepted as value
field (Object
) – a description of the field (returned by fields_get for example).
options (ParseMonetaryOptions
) – additional options.
class ParseMonetaryOptions()
additional options.
attribute currency Object
the description of the currency to use
attribute currency_id integer
the id of the ‘res.currency’ to use (ignored if options.currency)
attribute currency_field string
- the name of the field whose value is the currency id
- (ignore if options.currency or options.currency_id) Note: if not given it will default to the field currency_field value or to ‘currency_id’.
attribute data Object
- a mapping of field name to field value, required with
- options.currency_field
function parseFloat(value) → float
Parse a String containing float in language formating
- value (
) – The string to be parsed with the setting of thousands and
decimal separatorfloat
function formatFloatFactor(value, field, options) → string
Returns a string representing a float value, from a float converted with a factor.
value (number
options (FormatFloatFactorOptions
class FormatFloatFactorOptions()
attribute factor number
Conversion factor, default value is 1.0
function formatMany2one(value[, field][, options]) → string
Returns a string representing an many2one. If the value is false, then we return an empty string. Note that it accepts two types of input parameters: an array, in that case we assume that the many2one value is of the form [id, nameget], and we return the nameget, or it can be an object, and in that case, we assume that it is a record from a BasicModel.
value (Array
or Object
or false)
field (Object
) – a description of the field (note: this parameter is ignored)
options (FormatMany2oneOptions
) – additional options
class FormatMany2oneOptions()
additional options
attribute escape boolean
if true, escapes the formatted value
function formatSelection(value[, field][, options])
Returns a string representing the value of the selection.
value (string
or false)
field (Object
) – a description of the field (note: this parameter is ignored)
options (FormatSelectionOptions
) – additional options
class FormatSelectionOptions()
additional options
attribute escape boolean
if true, escapes the formatted value
function formatDateTime(value[, field][, options]) → string
Returns a string representing a datetime. If the value is false, then we return an empty string. Note that this is dependant on the localization settings
field (Object
) – a description of the field (note: this parameter is ignored)
options (FormatDateTimeOptions
) – additional options
class FormatDateTimeOptions()
additional options
attribute timezone boolean
- use the user timezone when formating the
- date
function formatX2Many(value) → string
Returns a string indicating the number of records in the relation.
- value (
) – a valid element from a BasicModel, that represents a
list of valuesstring
module web.config
function _getSizeClass() → integer
Return the current size class
namespace config
function _updateSizeProps()
Update the size dependant properties in the config object. This method should be called every time the size class changes.
module web.AppsMenu
class AppsMenu(parent, menuData)
parent (web.Widget
menuData (AppsMenuMenuData
method openFirstApp()
Open the first app in the list of apps
class AppsMenuMenuData()
attribute children Object[]
module web.DataExport
class DataExport(parent, record, defaultExportFields)
module web.IFrameWidget
class IFrameWidget(parent, url)
Generic widget to create an iframe that listens for clicks
It should be extended by overwriting the methods:
init: function(parent) {
this._super(parent, <url_of_iframe>);
_onIFrameClicked: function(e){
filter the clicks you want to use and apply
an action on it
class IFrameWidget(parent, url)
Generic widget to create an iframe that listens for clicks
It should be extended by overwriting the methods:
init: function(parent) {
this._super(parent, <url_of_iframe>);
_onIFrameClicked: function(e){
filter the clicks you want to use and apply
an action on it
module web.FieldManagerMixin
namespace FieldManagerMixin
module web.ListController
class ListController(parent, model, renderer, params)
params (ListControllerParams
method getActiveDomain() → Deferred<array[]>
Calculate the active domain of the list view. This should be done only if the header checkbox has been checked. This is done by evaluating the search results, and then adding the dataset domain (i.e. action domain).
method getSelectedIds() → number[]
Returns the list of currently selected res_ids (with the check boxes on the left)
>method getSelectedRecords() → Object[]
Returns the list of currently selected records (with the check boxes on the left)
>attribute buttons_template String
This key contains the name of the buttons template to render on top of the form view. It can be overridden to add buttons in specific child views.
method renderButtons($node)
Display and bind all buttons in the control panel
Note: clicking on the “Save” button does nothing special. Indeed, all editable rows are saved once left and clicking on the “Save” button does induce the leaving of the current row.
- $node (
)method renderSidebar($node)
Render the sidebar (the ‘action’ menu in the control panel, right of the main buttons)
- $node (
)method update(params, options)
Overrides to update the list of selected records
class ListControllerParams()
attribute editable boolean
attribute hasSidebar boolean
attribute toolbarActions Object
attribute noLeaf boolean
module web.py_utils
function ensure_evaluated(args, kwargs)
If args or kwargs are unevaluated contexts or domains (compound or not), evaluated them in-place.
Potentially mutates both parameters.
function normalizeDomain(domain) → string
Normalize a domain via its string representation.
Note: this function does not evaluate anything inside the domain. This is actually quite critical because this allows the manipulation of unevaluated (dynamic) domains.
- domain (
) – string representing a domainstring
function assembleDomains(domains, operator) → string
Assemble domains into a single domains using an ‘OR’ or an ‘AND’ operator.
domains (Array
>) – list of string representing domains
operator (AND or OR) – used to combine domains (default “AND”)
function ensure_evaluated(args, kwargs)
If args or kwargs are unevaluated contexts or domains (compound or not), evaluated them in-place.
Potentially mutates both parameters.
function assembleDomains(domains, operator) → string
Assemble domains into a single domains using an ‘OR’ or an ‘AND’ operator.
domains (Array
>) – list of string representing domains
operator (AND or OR) – used to combine domains (default “AND”)
function get_normalized_domain(domain_array) → Array
Returns a normalized copy of the given domain array. Normalization is is making the implicit “&” at the start of the domain explicit, e.g. [A, B, C] would become [“&”, “&”, A, B, C].
- domain_array (
function context_today() →
Returns the current local date, which means the date on the client (which can be different compared to the date of the server).
function normalizeDomain(domain) → string
Normalize a domain via its string representation.
Note: this function does not evaluate anything inside the domain. This is actually quite critical because this allows the manipulation of unevaluated (dynamic) domains.
- domain (
) – string representing a domainstring
function tz_offset() → datetime.timedelta
Returns a timedelta object which represents the timezone offset between the local timezone and the UTC time.
This is very useful to generate datetime strings which are ‘timezone’ dependant. For example, we can now write this to generate the correct datetime string representing “this morning in the user timezone”:
“,minute=0,second=0) + tz_offset()).strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’)”
download.js v4.2, by dandavis; 2008-2018. [MIT] see for tests/usage
function download(data, filename, mimetype)
module web.RamStorage
class RamStorage()
method clear()
Removes all data from the storage
method getItem(key) → string
Returns the value associated with a given key in the storage
- key (
method removeItem(key)
Removes the given key from the storage
- key (
)method setItem(key, value)
Adds a given key-value pair to the storage, or update the value of the given key if it already exists
key (string
value (string
module web_editor.transcoder
function fontToImg($editable)
Converts font icons to images.
- $editable (
) – the element in which the font icons have to be
converted to imagesfunction imgToFont($editable)
Converts images which were the result of a font icon convertion to a font icon again.
- $editable (
) – the element in which the images will be converted
back to font iconsfunction classToStyle($editable)
Converts css style to inline style (leave the classes on elements but forces the style they give as inline style).
- $editable (
)function styleToClass($editable)
Removes the inline style which is not necessary (because, for example, a class on an element will induce the same style).
- $editable (
)function attachmentThumbnailToLinkImg($editable)
Converts css display for attachment link to real image. Without this post process, the display depends on the css and the picture does not appear when we use the html without css (to send by email for e.g.)
- $editable (
)function linkImgToAttachmentThumbnail($editable)
Revert attachmentThumbnailToLinkImg changes
- $editable (
)function styleToClass($editable)
Removes the inline style which is not necessary (because, for example, a class on an element will induce the same style).
- $editable (
)function imgToFont($editable)
Converts images which were the result of a font icon convertion to a font icon again.
- $editable (
) – the element in which the images will be converted
back to font iconsfunction getMatchedCSSRules(a) → Object
Returns the css rules which applies on an element, tweaked so that they are browser/mail client ok.
- a (
function fontToImg($editable)
Converts font icons to images.
- $editable (
) – the element in which the font icons have to be
converted to imagesfunction attachmentThumbnailToLinkImg($editable)
Converts css display for attachment link to real image. Without this post process, the display depends on the css and the picture does not appear when we use the html without css (to send by email for e.g.)
- $editable (
)function linkImgToAttachmentThumbnail($editable)
Revert attachmentThumbnailToLinkImg changes
- $editable (
)function classToStyle($editable)
Converts css style to inline style (leave the classes on elements but forces the style they give as inline style).
- $editable (
)module web.FavoriteMenu
class (parent, query, target_model, action, filters)
function key_for(filter) → String
Generates a mapping key (in the filters and $filter mappings) for the
filter descriptor object provided (as returned by get_filters
The mapping key is guaranteed to be unique for a given (user_id, name) pair.
class KeyForFilter()
attribute name String
attribute user_id Number|Pair<Number, String>
function facet_for(filter) → Object
Generates a Facet()
descriptor from a
filter descriptor
- filter (
class FacetForFilter()
attribute name String
attribute context Object
attribute domain Array
function add_filter([filter])
Adds a filter description to the filters dict
- filter (
) – the filter descriptionfunction append_filter([filter])
Creates a $filter JQuery node, adds it to the $filters dict and appends it to the filter menu
- filter (
) – the filter descriptionmodule web.RainbowMan
class RainbowMan([options])
- options (
)class RainbowManOptions()
attribute message string
Message to be displayed on rainbowman card
attribute fadeout string
Delay for rainbowman to disappear. ‘fast’ will make rainbowman dissapear quickly, ‘medium’ and ‘slow’ will wait little longer before disappearing (can be used when options.message is longer), ‘no’ will keep rainbowman on screen until user clicks anywhere outside rainbowman
attribute img_url string
URL of the image to be displayed
module web.time
function date_to_utc(k, v) → Object
Replacer function for JSON.stringify, serializes Date objects to UTC datetime in the OpenERP Server format.
However, if a serialized value has a toJSON method that method is called before the replacer is invoked. Date#toJSON exists, and thus the value passed to the replacer is a string, the original Date has to be fetched on the parent object (which is provided as the replacer’s context).
k (String
v (Object
function str_to_datetime(str) → Date
Converts a string to a Date javascript object using OpenERP’s datetime string format (exemple: ‘2011-12-01 15:12:35.832’).
The time zone is assumed to be UTC (standard for OpenERP 6.1) and will be converted to the browser’s time zone.
- str (
) – A string representing a datetime.Date
function str_to_date(str) → Date
Converts a string to a Date javascript object using OpenERP’s date string format (exemple: ‘2011-12-01’).
As a date is not subject to time zones, we assume it should be represented as a Date javascript object at 00:00:00 in the time zone of the browser.
- str (
) – A string representing a date.Date
function str_to_time(str) → Date
Converts a string to a Date javascript object using OpenERP’s time string format (exemple: ‘15:12:35’).
The OpenERP times are supposed to always be naive times. We assume it is represented using a javascript Date with a date 1 of January 1970 and a time corresponding to the meant time in the browser’s time zone.
- str (
) – A string representing a time.Date
function datetime_to_str(obj) → String
Converts a Date javascript object to a string using OpenERP’s datetime string format (exemple: ‘2011-12-01 15:12:35’).
The time zone of the Date object is assumed to be the one of the browser and it will be converted to UTC (standard for OpenERP 6.1).
- obj (
function date_to_str(obj) → String
Converts a Date javascript object to a string using OpenERP’s date string format (exemple: ‘2011-12-01’).
As a date is not subject to time zones, we assume it should be represented as a Date javascript object at 00:00:00 in the time zone of the browser.
- obj (
function time_to_str(obj) → String
Converts a Date javascript object to a string using OpenERP’s time string format (exemple: ‘15:12:35’).
The OpenERP times are supposed to always be naive times. We assume it is represented using a javascript Date with a date 1 of January 1970 and a time corresponding to the meant time in the browser’s time zone.
- obj (
function strftime_to_moment_format(value)
Convert Python strftime to escaped moment.js format.
- value (
) – original formatfunction moment_to_strftime_format(value)
Convert moment.js format to python strftime
- value (
) – original formatfunction getLangDateFormat()
Get date format of the user’s language
function getLangTimeFormat()
Get time format of the user’s language
function getLangDatetimeFormat()
Get date time format of the user’s language
function str_to_datetime(str) → Date
Converts a string to a Date javascript object using OpenERP’s datetime string format (exemple: ‘2011-12-01 15:12:35.832’).
The time zone is assumed to be UTC (standard for OpenERP 6.1) and will be converted to the browser’s time zone.
- str (
) – A string representing a datetime.Date
function getLangTimeFormat()
Get time format of the user’s language
function str_to_time(str) → Date
Converts a string to a Date javascript object using OpenERP’s time string format (exemple: ‘15:12:35’).
The OpenERP times are supposed to always be naive times. We assume it is represented using a javascript Date with a date 1 of January 1970 and a time corresponding to the meant time in the browser’s time zone.
- str (
) – A string representing a time.Date
function getLangDatetimeFormat()
Get date time format of the user’s language
function datetime_to_str(obj) → String
Converts a Date javascript object to a string using OpenERP’s datetime string format (exemple: ‘2011-12-01 15:12:35’).
The time zone of the Date object is assumed to be the one of the browser and it will be converted to UTC (standard for OpenERP 6.1).
- obj (
function moment_to_strftime_format(value)
Convert moment.js format to python strftime
- value (
) – original formatfunction getLangDateFormat()
Get date format of the user’s language
function strftime_to_moment_format(value)
Convert Python strftime to escaped moment.js format.
- value (
) – original formatfunction str_to_date(str) → Date
Converts a string to a Date javascript object using OpenERP’s date string format (exemple: ‘2011-12-01’).
As a date is not subject to time zones, we assume it should be represented as a Date javascript object at 00:00:00 in the time zone of the browser.
- str (
) – A string representing a date.Date
function date_to_utc(k, v) → Object
Replacer function for JSON.stringify, serializes Date objects to UTC datetime in the OpenERP Server format.
However, if a serialized value has a toJSON method that method is called before the replacer is invoked. Date#toJSON exists, and thus the value passed to the replacer is a string, the original Date has to be fetched on the parent object (which is provided as the replacer’s context).
k (String
v (Object
function time_to_str(obj) → String
Converts a Date javascript object to a string using OpenERP’s time string format (exemple: ‘15:12:35’).
The OpenERP times are supposed to always be naive times. We assume it is represented using a javascript Date with a date 1 of January 1970 and a time corresponding to the meant time in the browser’s time zone.
- obj (
function date_to_str(obj) → String
Converts a Date javascript object to a string using OpenERP’s date string format (exemple: ‘2011-12-01’).
As a date is not subject to time zones, we assume it should be represented as a Date javascript object at 00:00:00 in the time zone of the browser.
- obj (
module web.field_registry
object instance of Registry
module web.relational_fields
class FieldMany2ManyBinaryMultiFiles()
Widget to upload or delete one or more files at the same time.
class FieldSelection()
The FieldSelection widget is a simple select tag with a dropdown menu to allow the selection of a range of values. It is designed to work with fields of type ‘selection’ and ‘many2one’.
method updateModifiersValue()
Listen to modifiers updates to hide/show the falsy value in the dropdown according to the required modifier.
class FieldReference()
The FieldReference is a combination of a select (for the model) and
a FieldMany2one for its value.
Its intern representation is similar to the many2one (a datapoint with a
as data).
Note that there is some logic to support char field because of one use in our
codebase, but this use should be removed along with this note.
class FieldMany2ManyBinaryMultiFiles()
Widget to upload or delete one or more files at the same time.
class FieldReference()
The FieldReference is a combination of a select (for the model) and
a FieldMany2one for its value.
Its intern representation is similar to the many2one (a datapoint with a
as data).
Note that there is some logic to support char field because of one use in our
codebase, but this use should be removed along with this note.
class FieldSelection()
The FieldSelection widget is a simple select tag with a dropdown menu to allow the selection of a range of values. It is designed to work with fields of type ‘selection’ and ‘many2one’.
method updateModifiersValue()
Listen to modifiers updates to hide/show the falsy value in the dropdown according to the required modifier.
module web.ControlPanel
class ControlPanel(parent[, template])
template (String
) – the QWeb template to render the ControlPanel.
By default, the template ‘ControlPanel’ will be used
method start() → jQuery.Deferred
Renders the control panel and creates a dictionnary of its exposed elements
method update(status, options)
Updates the content and displays the ControlPanel
status (UpdateStatus
options (UpdateOptions
class UpdateOptions()
attribute clear Boolean
set to true to clear from control panel elements that are not in status.cp_content
class UpdateStatus()
attribute active_view Object
the current active view
attribute breadcrumbs Array
the breadcrumbs to display (see _render_breadcrumbs() for precise description)
attribute cp_content Object
dictionnary containing the new ControlPanel jQuery elements
attribute hidden Boolean
true if the ControlPanel should be hidden
attribute searchview openerp.web.SearchView
the searchview widget
attribute search_view_hidden Boolean
true if the searchview is hidden, false otherwise
module web.NotificationService
class NotificationService(parent)
- parent
Notification Service
The Notification Service is simply a service used to display notifications in the top/right part of the screen.
If you want to display such a notification, you probably do not want to do it by using this file. The proper way is to use the do_warn or do_notify methods on the Widget class.
method close(notificationId[, silent])
It may sometimes be useful to close programmatically a notification. For example, when there is a sticky notification that warns the user about some condition (connection lost), but the condition do not apply anymore.
notificationId (number
silent=false (boolean
) – if true, the notification does not call
onClose callback
method notify(params) → Number
Display a notification at the appropriate location, and returns the reference id to the same widget.
Note that this method does not wait for the appendTo method to complete.
class NotifyParams()
attribute Notification function
- javascript class of a notification
- to instantiate by default use ‘web.Notification’
attribute title string
notification title
attribute message string
notification main message
attribute type string
‘notification’ or ‘warning’
attribute sticky boolean
- if true, the notification will stay
- visible until the user clicks on it.
attribute className string
className to add on the dom
attribute onClose function
- callback when the user click on the x
- or when the notification is auto close (no sticky)
attribute buttons Object[]
attribute buttons[0].click function
callback on click
attribute buttons[0].primary Boolean
display the button as primary
attribute buttons[0].text string
button label
attribute buttons[0].icon string
font-awsome className or image src
class NotificationService(parent)
- parent
Notification Service
The Notification Service is simply a service used to display notifications in the top/right part of the screen.
If you want to display such a notification, you probably do not want to do it by using this file. The proper way is to use the do_warn or do_notify methods on the Widget class.
method close(notificationId[, silent])
It may sometimes be useful to close programmatically a notification. For example, when there is a sticky notification that warns the user about some condition (connection lost), but the condition do not apply anymore.
notificationId (number
silent=false (boolean
) – if true, the notification does not call
onClose callback
method notify(params) → Number
Display a notification at the appropriate location, and returns the reference id to the same widget.
Note that this method does not wait for the appendTo method to complete.
class NotifyParams()
attribute Notification function
- javascript class of a notification
- to instantiate by default use ‘web.Notification’
attribute title string
notification title
attribute message string
notification main message
attribute type string
‘notification’ or ‘warning’
attribute sticky boolean
- if true, the notification will stay
- visible until the user clicks on it.
attribute className string
className to add on the dom
attribute onClose function
- callback when the user click on the x
- or when the notification is auto close (no sticky)
attribute buttons Object[]
attribute buttons[0].click function
callback on click
attribute buttons[0].primary Boolean
display the button as primary
attribute buttons[0].text string
button label
attribute buttons[0].icon string
font-awsome className or image src