市场营销¶ 营销自动化 入门 POS 入门 创建营销 Campaign filters 精准获客 Configure target filters 用例 Scenario #1: Narrow target down to new opportunities in the pipeline Scenario #2: Narrow down target to event attendees who purchased a specific ticket 市场活动 Workflow activity Child activities Testing/running campaigns 高级 理解分析KPI 短信营销 必备功能 SMS essentials SMS marketing dashboard Create SMS messages Writing SMS messages Track links used in SMS messages Adjust SMS settings Send SMS messages 可视化报告 SMS campaign settings SMS campaign setting A/B tests Campaigns page Campaign templates 通过联系人应用程序发送短信 Set up SMS templates for future use Mailing lists and blacklists Mailing lists Mailing lists contacts Communication history in the Chatter 黑名单 Importing blacklists 定价和常见问题 短信定价和常见问题 我需要什么才能发送短信? 短信分类有哪些种类? 发送短信的费用是多少? How to buy credits 更多常见问题 旅游会展 Event essentials Kanban concepts and organization Create a new event Add and sell event tickets Send automated emails, text, and social posts to event attendees Attach a questionnaire to event registrations Log internal notes or add ticket instructions Invite attendees to the event Select invitees and configure recipient filters Build a custom event invite Modify event invite settings Send event invitations to recipients Publish events Sell tickets 配置 Sell tickets through sales orders Sell tickets through the website Track and manage talks 配置 Talks, talk proposals, and agenda Manage talk proposals Attendees list and attendance Manage registrations 潜在客户开发规则 市场调研 Survey essentials POS 入门 Questions tab Create questions Create sections and questions 条件显示 “选项”选项卡 问题 评分 考生 在线会话 Description tab 测试和共享调查 Scoring surveys Timed and randomized questions Time limit Randomized selection 社交媒体矩阵 必备功能 矩阵媒体管理 Add social media accounts Add a social media stream Create and publish social media posts in Odoo Post template ‘Your Post’ section ‘Web Notification Options’ section Save, post, and test notification options Social post status bar Posts page 访问者 Social media page Social accounts page Social streams page 媒体矩阵推广 Campaigns page Create social marketing campaigns Edit social marketing campaigns Social marketing campaign templates Add content and communications to campaigns